Search Results
Searching by subject heading:You searched for: RESTRUCTURING in SUBJECT
Total 31 results of reference type: All found
Showing results from 1 to 20
#1 [more] | Albo, Greg, David Langille, Leo Panitch. A Different Kind of State: Popular Power and Democratic Administration. |
#2 [more] | Armstrong, Hugh, Pat Armstrong. Wasting Away: The Undermining of Canadian Health Care. |
#3 [more] | Baines, Donna. Criminalizing the Care Work Zone? The Gendered Dynamics of Using Legal and Administrative Strategies to Confront Workplace Violence. |
#4 [more] | Bakker, Isabella. Introduction: The Gendered Foundations of Restructuring in Canada. |
#5 [more] | Bassi, L., P. Cappelli, H. C. Katz, D. Knoke, P. Osterman, M. Useem. Change at Work. |
#6 [more] | Baumann, Andrea, Jennifer Blythe, Phyllis Giovannetti. Nurses' Experiences of Restructuring in Three Ontario Hospitals. |
#7 [more] | Beach, Dennis. Neoliberal Restructuring in Education and Health Professions in Europe. |
#8 [more] | Beardwood, Barbara. The Loosening of Professional Boundaries and Restructuring: The Implications For Nursing and Medicine in Ontario, Canada. |
#9 [more] | Brenner, Neil. Beyond State-Centrism? Space, Territoriality, And Geographical Scale in Globalization Studies. |
#10 [more] | Brenner, Neil. State Territorial Restructing and the Production of Spatial Scale. |
#11 [more] | Brodie, Janine. Restructuring and the New Citizenship. |
#12 [more] | Cameron, Barbara. From Equal Opportunity to Symbolic Equity: Three Decades of Federal Training Policy For Women. |
#13 [more] | Cameron, Duncan. Selling the House to Pay the Mortgage: What is Behind Privatization. |
#14 [more] | Carre, Francoise. Nonstandard Work Arrangements in France and the United States: Institutional Contexts, Labor Market Conditions, And Patterns of Use. |
#15 [more] | Eichhorst, Werner, Lutz C. Kaiser. The German Labor Market: Still Adjusting Badly? |
#16 [more] | Fernandez Kelly, Patricia M. International Development and Industrial Restructuring: The Case of Garment and Electronic Industries in Southern California. |
#17 [more] | Fudge, Judy, Leah F. Vosko. By Whose Standards?: Reregulating the Canadian Labour Market. |
#18 [more] | Groake, Leo. The Ethics of the New Economy: Restructuring and Beyond. |
#19 [more] | Grubb, David, Jae-Kap Lee, Peter Tergeist. Addressing Labour Market Duality in Korea. |
#20 [more] | Heitlinger, Alena. The Paradoxical Impact of Health Care Restructuring in Canada on Nursing as a Profession. |