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You searched for: RESTRUCTURING in SUBJECT

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Showing results from 1 to 20


Albo, Greg, David Langille, Leo Panitch.
A Different Kind of State: Popular Power and Democratic Administration.
Armstrong, Hugh, Pat Armstrong.
Wasting Away: The Undermining of Canadian Health Care.
Baines, Donna.
Criminalizing the Care Work Zone? The Gendered Dynamics of Using Legal and Administrative Strategies to Confront Workplace Violence.
Bakker, Isabella.
Introduction: The Gendered Foundations of Restructuring in Canada.
Bassi, L., P. Cappelli, H. C. Katz, D. Knoke, P. Osterman, M. Useem.
Change at Work.
Baumann, Andrea, Jennifer Blythe, Phyllis Giovannetti.
Nurses' Experiences of Restructuring in Three Ontario Hospitals.
Beach, Dennis.
Neoliberal Restructuring in Education and Health Professions in Europe.
Beardwood, Barbara.
The Loosening of Professional Boundaries and Restructuring: The Implications For Nursing and Medicine in Ontario, Canada.
Brenner, Neil.
Beyond State-Centrism? Space, Territoriality, And Geographical Scale in Globalization Studies.
Brenner, Neil.
State Territorial Restructing and the Production of Spatial Scale.
Brodie, Janine.
Restructuring and the New Citizenship.
Cameron, Barbara.
From Equal Opportunity to Symbolic Equity: Three Decades of Federal Training Policy For Women.
Cameron, Duncan.
Selling the House to Pay the Mortgage: What is Behind Privatization.
Carre, Francoise.
Nonstandard Work Arrangements in France and the United States: Institutional Contexts, Labor Market Conditions, And Patterns of Use.
Eichhorst, Werner, Lutz C. Kaiser.
The German Labor Market: Still Adjusting Badly?
Fernandez Kelly, Patricia M.
International Development and Industrial Restructuring: The Case of Garment and Electronic Industries in Southern California.
Fudge, Judy, Leah F. Vosko.
By Whose Standards?: Reregulating the Canadian Labour Market.
Groake, Leo.
The Ethics of the New Economy: Restructuring and Beyond.
Grubb, David, Jae-Kap Lee, Peter Tergeist.
Addressing Labour Market Duality in Korea.
Heitlinger, Alena.
The Paradoxical Impact of Health Care Restructuring in Canada on Nursing as a Profession.

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