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You searched for: SELF-EMPLOYMENT in SUBJECT

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Showing results from 1 to 20


Ajayi-Obe, O., S. C. Parker.
The Changing Nature of Work Among the Self-Employed in the 1990s: Evidence From Britain.
Boheim, R., U. Muehlberger.
Dependent Forms of Self-Employment in the UK: Identifying Workers on the Border Between Employment and Self-Employment.
Bregger, J. E.
Measuring Self-Employment in the United States.
Clark, Kenneth, Stephen Drinkwater.
Pushed Out or Pulled In? Self-Employment Among Ethnic Minorities in England and Wales.
Cohen, Gary L.
Enterprising Canadians: The Self-Employed in Canada.
Corden, Anne, Tony Eardley.
Low Income Self-Employment: Work, Benefits, And Living Standards.
Cranford, Cynthia J., Judy Fudge, Eric Tucker, Leah F. Vosko.
Self-Employed Workers Organize: Law, Policy, And Unions.
Creighton, Breen.
Employment Security and Atypical Work in Australia.
Daubler, Wolfgang.
Working People in Germany.
Davies, Paul.
Wage Employment and Self-Employment: A Common Law View.
Edwards, Linda N., Elizabeth Field-Hendrey.
Home-Based Workers: Data From the 1990 Census of Population.
Engblom, Samuel.
Equal Treatment of Employees and Self-Employed Workers.
Fevre, Ralph.
Subcontracting in Steel.
Frenette, Marc.
Do the Falling Earnings of Immigrants Apply to Self-Employed Immigrants?
Fudge, Judy, Rosemary J. Owens.
Precarious Work, Women and the New Economy: The Challenge to Legal Norms.
Fudge, Judy, Eric Tucker, Leah F. Vosko.
The Legal Concept of Employment: Marginalizing Workers: Report For the Law Commission of Canada.
Greenwood, Adriana Mata, Eivind Hommann.
Developing a Conceptual Framework For a Typology of Atypical Forms of Employment: Outline of a Strategy.
Hakim, Catherine.
Self-Employment in Britain: Recent Trends and Current Issues.
Hughes, Karen H.
Gender and Self-Employment in Canada: Assessing Trends and Policy Implications.
Kapoor, Aditi.
The SEWA Way: Shaping Another Future For Informal Labour.

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