Search Results
Searching by subject heading:You searched for: ABORIGINAL PERSONS in SUBJECT
Total 33 results of reference type: All found
Showing results from 1 to 20
#1 [more] | Almey, Marcia, Maria Almey, Sandra Besserer, Jennifer Chard, Colin Lindsay, Josee Normand, Valerie Pottie Bunge, Heather Tait, Nancy Zukewich. Women in Canada 2000: A Gender-Based Statistical Report. |
#2 [more] | Armstrong-Esther, Christopher, Norman Buchignani. Informal Care and Older Native Canadians. |
#3 [more] | Bacon, Josephine, Marie-Anne Cheezo, Manon Lamontagne, Carole Levesque, Christiane Montpetit, Christine Sioui Wawanoloath, Nadine Trudeau. Aboriginal Women and Jobs: Challenges and Issues For Employability Programs in Quebec. |
#4 [more] | Bannerji, Himani. The Dark Side of the Nation: Essays on Multiculturalism, Nationalism and Gender. |
#5 [more] | Bernier, Rachel. The Dimensions of Wage Inequality Among Aboriginal Peoples. |
#6 [more] | Burnett, Kristin. The Healing Work and Nursing Care of Aboriginal Women, Female Medical Missionaries, Nursing Sisters, Public Health Nurses, And Female Attendants in Southern Alberta First Nations Communities, 1880-1930. |
#7 [more] | Crow, Barbara, Graham Longford. From the Electronic Cottage to the Silicon Sweatshop: Social Implications of Telemediated Work in Canada. |
#8 [more] | Das Gupta, Tania. Families of Native Peoples, Immigrants and People of Colour. |
#9 [more] | Duffy, Ann, Nancy Mandell. Canadian Families: Diversity, Conflict and Change. |
#10 [more] | Flood, Ann. 'Change is Slow': Indigenous Women and Unions. |
#11 [more] | Habjan, Sonja, Mary Lou Kelley, Holly Prince. Caregiving for Elders in First Nations Communities: Social System Perspective on Barriers and Challenges. |
#12 [more] | Haworth-Brockman, Margaret, Marilou McPhedran, Rebecca Sutherns. Rural, Remote and Northern Women's Health: Policy and Research Directions: Summary Report. |
#13 [more] | Jhappan, Radha, Daiva Stasiulis. The Fractious Politics of a Settler Society: Canada. |
#14 [more] | John, Robert. Formal and Informal Care Among Urban and Rural/reservation American Indian Elders in the United States. |
#15 [more] | Kenny, Carolyn. North American Indian, Metis and Inuit Women Speak About Culture, Education and Work. |
#16 [more] | Moran, Dan. Aboriginal Organizing in Saskatchewan: The Experience of CUPE. |
#17 [more] | Nicol, Janet. "Unions Aren't Native:" the Muckamuck Restaurant Labour Dispute, Vancouver, B.C. |
#18 [more] | Ryan, James J. Formal Schooling and Deculturation: Nursing Practice and the Erosion of Native Communication Styles. |
#19 [more] | Statistics Canada. The Canadian Labour Market at a Glance. |
#20 [more] | author unknown Canada Health Action: Building on the Legacy: Synthesis Report and Issues Papers. |