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Almey, Marcia, Maria Almey, Sandra Besserer, Jennifer Chard, Colin Lindsay, Josee Normand, Valerie Pottie Bunge, Heather Tait, Nancy Zukewich.
Women in Canada 2000: A Gender-Based Statistical Report.
Armstrong-Esther, Christopher, Norman Buchignani.
Informal Care and Older Native Canadians.
Bacon, Josephine, Marie-Anne Cheezo, Manon Lamontagne, Carole Levesque, Christiane Montpetit, Christine Sioui Wawanoloath, Nadine Trudeau.
Aboriginal Women and Jobs: Challenges and Issues For Employability Programs in Quebec.
Bannerji, Himani.
The Dark Side of the Nation: Essays on Multiculturalism, Nationalism and Gender.
Bernier, Rachel.
The Dimensions of Wage Inequality Among Aboriginal Peoples.
Burnett, Kristin.
The Healing Work and Nursing Care of Aboriginal Women, Female Medical Missionaries, Nursing Sisters, Public Health Nurses, And Female Attendants in Southern Alberta First Nations Communities, 1880-1930.
Crow, Barbara, Graham Longford.
From the Electronic Cottage to the Silicon Sweatshop: Social Implications of Telemediated Work in Canada.
Das Gupta, Tania.
Families of Native Peoples, Immigrants and People of Colour.
Duffy, Ann, Nancy Mandell.
Canadian Families: Diversity, Conflict and Change.
Flood, Ann.
'Change is Slow': Indigenous Women and Unions.
Habjan, Sonja, Mary Lou Kelley, Holly Prince.
Caregiving for Elders in First Nations Communities: Social System Perspective on Barriers and Challenges.
Haworth-Brockman, Margaret, Marilou McPhedran, Rebecca Sutherns.
Rural, Remote and Northern Women's Health: Policy and Research Directions: Summary Report.
Jhappan, Radha, Daiva Stasiulis.
The Fractious Politics of a Settler Society: Canada.
John, Robert.
Formal and Informal Care Among Urban and Rural/reservation American Indian Elders in the United States.
Kenny, Carolyn.
North American Indian, Metis and Inuit Women Speak About Culture, Education and Work.
Moran, Dan.
Aboriginal Organizing in Saskatchewan: The Experience of CUPE.
Nicol, Janet.
"Unions Aren't Native:" the Muckamuck Restaurant Labour Dispute, Vancouver, B.C.
Ryan, James J.
Formal Schooling and Deculturation: Nursing Practice and the Erosion of Native Communication Styles.
Statistics Canada.
The Canadian Labour Market at a Glance.
author unknown
Canada Health Action: Building on the Legacy: Synthesis Report and Issues Papers.

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