Search Results
Searching by subject heading:You searched for: VISIBLE MINORITIES in SUBJECT
Total 107 results of reference type: All found
Showing results from 1 to 20
#1 [more] | Aldrich, Howard, Roger Waldinger, Robin Ward. Ethnic Entrepreneurs: Immigrant Business in Industrial Societies. |
#2 [more] | Almey, Marcia, Maria Almey, Sandra Besserer, Jennifer Chard, Colin Lindsay, Josee Normand, Valerie Pottie Bunge, Heather Tait, Nancy Zukewich. Women in Canada 2000: A Gender-Based Statistical Report. |
#3 [more] | Amaratunga, Carol. Women, Diversity and Access to Health Care in Atlantic Canada: A Preliminary Perspective. |
#4 [more] | Anderson, Kay J. Vancouver's Chinatown: Racial Discourses in Canada, 1875-1980. |
#5 [more] | Bakan, Abigail B., Audrey Kobayashi. Employment Equity Policy in Canada: An Interprovincial Comparison. |
#6 [more] | Baker, S., E. Litwak, M. Sudit. Caregiver Burden and Coping Strategies Used by Informal Caregivers of Minority Women Living With HIV/AIDS. |
#7 [more] | Bannerji, Himani. The Paradox of Diversity: The Construction of a Multicultural Canada and 'women of Color'. |
#8 [more] | Bashevkin, Sylvia. Women's Work is Never Done: Comparative Studies in Care-Giving, Employment and Social Policy Reform. |
#9 [more] | Bhopal, Mhinder, Patricia Todd. Trade Unions, Segmentation and Diversity: The Organizing Dilemmas in Malaysia. |
#10 [more] | Brand, Dionne. No Burden to Carry: Narratives of Black Working Women in Ontario, 1920s to 1950s. |
#11 [more] | Brooks, Siobhan. Exotic Dancing and Unionizing: The Challenges of Feminist and Antiracist Organizing at the Lusty Lady Theater. |
#12 [more] | Brotman, Shari. The Incidence of Poverty Among Seniors in Canada: Exploring the Impact of Gender, Ethnicity and Race. |
#13 [more] | Bruegal, Irene. Sex and Race in the Labour Market. |
#14 [more] | Burke, Ronald J., Mary C. Mattis. Women and Minorities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics: Upping the Numbers. |
#15 [more] | Carter, John. New Public Management and Equal Opportunities in the NHS. |
#16 [more] | Colclough, Glenna, Charles M. Tolbert. High Technology, Work and Inequality in Southern Labour Markets. |
#17 [more] | Cranford, Cynthia J., Leah F. Vosko, Nancy Zukewich. Precarious Employment in the Canadian Labour Market: A Statistical Portrait. |
#18 [more] | Das Gupta, Tania, Franca Iacovetta. Whose Canada is It? Immigrant Women, Women of Colour and Feminist Critiques of 'Multiculturalism'. |
#19 [more] | Davidson, Marilyn J., Jill Earnshaw. Vulnerable Workers: Psychosocial and Legal Issues. |
#20 [more] | Dickerson, Niki T. 'We Are a Force to be Reckoned With': Black and Latina Women's Leadership in the Contemporary U.S. Labor Movement. |