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definitions of thesaurus terminology

definitions of terms used in thesaurus entries

  • SCOPE NOTE: explains HOW the term has been used to index items in the library database; defines the term
  • USE: denotes a preferred term or phrase
  • USED FOR: indicates terms or phrases that are NOT used to index items in the library database; these terms or phrases are considered synonymous with the indicated preferred term (only use "preferred terms" when searching the library database)
  • BROADER TERM: broader or more general terms or phrases
  • NARROWER TERM: narrower or more specific terms or phrases; a subset of the indicated broader term
  • RELATED TERM: a term or phrase that is conceptually or associatively linked with the indicated preferred term

Thesaurus search results for 'UN': 94 results found.

UNEMPLOYMENT RATES (Search for related entries in the library)


UNIFIED SYSTEMS THEORY (Search for related entries in the library)

Scope Note: A strand of socialist feminism that views patriarchy and capitalism, and the social relations that flow from them, as intimately intertwined such that they constitute a single system of oppression.


UNION ADVANTAGE (Search for related entries in the library)

Scope Note: Broadly defined set of benefits and protections for workers who are covered by a union. This may include better/greater: wages, benefits, job security, equity provisions, promotion opportunities, working conditions, etc.

UNION AMALGAMATION (Search for related entries in the library)

Scope Note: A consolidation or merger of two or more unions, union locals, or bargaining units. This may be at the initiative of the union or a result of restructuring at the behest of the employer which requires a labour board representation vote.


Scope Note: Relation between different levels of union organization. For Waddington (1999:3), "an articulated union is established around cohesive and coherent interrelations between workplace, regional and national levels of organization."




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