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You searched for: BENEFITS in SUBJECT

Total 9 results of reference type: All found


Showing results from 1 to 20


Allen, John, Nick Henry.
Ulrich Beck's Risk Society at Work: Labour and Employment in the Contract Service Industries.
Battle, Ken, Michael Mendelson.
Benefits For Children: A Four Country Study.
Cohen, Yinon, Yitchak Haberfeld.
Temporary Help Service Workers: Employment Characteristics and Wage Determination.
Mitchell, Olivia.
Benefits For the Workplace of the Future.
Morris, Lydia.
Constraints on Gender: The Family Wage, Social Security and the Labour Market: Reflection on Research in Hartlepool.
Thurman, Joseph E., Gabriele Trah.
Part-Time Work in International Perspective.
author unknown
Basic Forms of Employment, Industry, Rural/Urban by Unemployment Benefits, Australia and EU countries, 2004-2011 (TSD IB-2).
author unknown
Health benefits by unionization and sector for detailed HSC occupation, United States, 1996-2011 (HSC IB-11).
author unknown
Pension benefits by unionization and sector for basic HSC occupation, Canada and United States, 1990-2011 (HSC IB-12).