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Abu-Laban, Yasmeen, Christina Gabriel.
Selling Diversity: Immigration, Multiculturalism, Employment Equity, And Globalization.
Adams, Roy, Gordon Betcherman, Beth Bilson.
Good Jobs, Bad Jobs, No Jobs: Tough Choices For Canadian Labor Law.
Adams, Valerie, Julie A. Nelson.
The Economics of Nursing: Articulating Care.
Akyeampong, Ernest.
The Changing Face of Temporary Help.
Alasia, A., N. Rothwell.
The Rural/Urban Income Divide is Not Changing: Income Disparities Persist.
Albo, Greg, David Langille, Leo Panitch.
A Different Kind of State: Popular Power and Democratic Administration.
Allsop, Judith, Ivy Lynn Bourgeault, Julia Evetts, Kathryn Jones, Thomas Le Bianic, Sirpa Wrede.
Encountering Globalization Professional Groups in an International Context.
Anderson, John, James Beaton, Kate Laxer.
The Union Dimension: Mitigating Precarious Employment?
Andrew, Caroline.
Studies in Political Economy: Developments in Feminism.
Angus, Jan, Ivy Lynn Bourgeault, David Coburn, Susan Rappolt.
Medicine, Nursing and the State.
Aoyama, Yuko, Manuel Castells.
Paths Towards the Informational Society: Employment Structure in g7 Countries, 1920-90.
Armstrong, Hugh.
The Re-Organization of Work.
Armstrong, Pat.
A Place to Call Home: Long Term Care in Canada.
Armstrong, Pat.
The Feminization of the Labour Force: Harmonizing Down in a Global Economy.
Armstrong, Hugh, Pat Armstrong.
Planning For Care: Approaches to Health Human Resource Policy and Planning.
Armstrong, Hugh, Pat Armstrong.
Wasting Away: The Undermining of Canadian Health Care.
Armstrong, Hugh, Pat Armstrong.
Contradictions at Work: Struggles For Control in Canadian Health Care.
Armstrong, Hugh, Pat Armstrong, Albert Banerjee, Tamara Daly, Stirling Lafrance, Marta Szebehely.
They Deserve Better: The Long-Term Care Experience in Canada and Scandinavia.
Armstrong, Hugh, Pat Armstrong, Albert Banerjee, Tamara Daly, Stirling Lafrance, Marta Szebehely.
"Out of Control": Violence Against Personal Support Workers in Long-Term Care.
Armstrong, Hugh, Pat Armstrong, Albert Banerjee, Tamara Daly, Stirling Lafrance, Marta Szebehely.
Structural Violence in Long-Term, Residential Care for Older People: Comparing Canada and Scandinavia.

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