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Showing results from 1 to 20


Agrawal, Nisha.
Sources of Inequality Between Male and Female Wages in Australia.
Burchell, Brendan, Sara Horrell, Jill Rubery.
Gender and Skills.
Cordova, E.
From Full-Time Wage Employment to Atypical Employment: A Major Shift in the Evolution of Labour Relations?
Cosgrove, James, Mark Montgomery.
Are Part-Time Women Paid Less?: A Model With Firm-Specific Effects.
Pollert, Anna.
The 'Flexible Firm': Fixation or Fact?
Rashid, Abdul.
Women's Earnings and Family Incomes.
Vosko, Leah F.
Managing the Margins: Gender, Citizenship, And the International Regulation of Precarious Employment.
Vosko, Leah F.
Confronting the Norm: Gender and International Regulation of Precarious Work.
van der Valk, Johan.
Few Mothers Work Full-Time.
author unknown
Full-time/Part-time employees by Firm Size, and Industry, Australia, Canada, and United States, 1988-2011 (FORMS WC-3).
author unknown
Full-time/Part-time Employees by Pension Plan and Immigration Status, Industry and Occupation, Canada, and United States, 1994-2011 (FORMS IB-9).
author unknown
Full-time/Part-time employees by Union coverage, and Industry, Australia, Canada, and United States, 1990-2011 (FORMS WC-4).
author unknown
Full-time/Part-time Employment by Health Benefits, Immigration Status, Industry and Occupation, United States, and EU Countries, 1995-2011 (FORMS IB-8).
author unknown
Full-time/Part-time Employment by Marital Status and Annual Personal Income, Australia, Canada, United States, and EU Countries, 1983-2011 (FORMS HC-1).
author unknown
Full-time/Part-time Employment by Presence of Children Under 18 and Annual Personal Income, Australia, United States, and EU Countries, 1983-2011 (FORMS HC-3).
author unknown
Full-time/Part-time Employment Def as Under 30 HRS by Industry and Occupation, Australia, Canada, United States, EU Countries, 1983-2011 (FORMS FE-4).
author unknown
Full-time/Part-time Employment Def as Under 35 HRS by Industry and Occupation, Australia, Canada, United States, EU Countries, 1983-2011 (FORMS FE-5).
author unknown
Full-time/Part-time Employment Using Survey Definition by Industry and Occupation, Australia, Canada, United States, EU Countries, 1983-2011 (FORMS FE-3).
author unknown
Job Tenure by full-time and part-time and by permanent and temporary for detailed HSC occupation, Canada and EU countries, 1992-2011 (HSC WC-12).
author unknown
Part-time employment with reasons for part-time and wages by all occupations, Canada, and Australia, 1997-2011 (HSC IB-2).

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