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Aisenbrey, S.
Economic Penalties and Rewards of Family Formation, Gender and Education in the Low-Income Sector in Germany.
Allaart, Piet, Lutz Bellmann.
Reasons For Part-Time Work: An Empirical Analysis For Germany and the Netherlands.
Antoni, Manfred, Elke J. Jahn.
Do Changes in Regulation Affect Employment Duration in Temporary Work Agencies?
Aoyama, Yuko, Manuel Castells.
Paths Towards the Informational Society: Employment Structure in g7 Countries, 1920-90.
Appelbaum, Eileen, Thomas Bailey, Peter Berg, Arne L. Kalleberg.
Shared Work-Valued Care: New Norms For Organizing Market Work and Unpaid Care Work.
Appelbaum, Eileen, Rosemary Batt.
The New American Workplace: Transforming Work Systems in the United States.
Barbier, Jean-Claude, Isabelle Darmon, N. Dull, C. Frade, L. Frey, M. Laparra, R. Lindley, K. Vogler-Ludwig.
Managing Labour Market Related Risks in Europe: Policy Implications.
Boockmann, Bernhard, Tobias Hagen.
Die Bedeutung Befristeter Arbeitsverhaltnisse Fur Die Zugange Und Den Verbleib in Beschaftigung (The Relevance of Temporary Contracts For the Access and Staying in Employment).
Bosch, G., Peter Dawkins, F. Michon.
Bosch, Gerhard, Claudia Weinkopf.
Low-Wage Work in Germany.
Boyd, Monica.
Migration Policy, Female Dependency, And Family Membership: Canada and Germany.
Brandt, Torsten.
Mini and Midi-Jobs in the Context of Activation Policies. Consequences For Workers' Rights, The Labor Market and the Relation of Welfare and Employment.
Buechtemann, Christoph F.
More Jobs Through Less Labour Protection?: Evidence From West Germany.
Buechtemann, Christoph F., Sigrid Quack.
How Precarious is 'Non-Standard' Employment?: Evidence For West Germany.
Buttler, Freidrich.
Labour Market Flexibility by Deregulation?: The Case of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Campbell, Iain, Baxter Janeen, Gillian Whitehouse.
Australia: Casual Employment, Part-Time Employment and the Resilience of the Male-Breadwinner Model.
Campbell, Duncan, Werner Sengenberger.
Is the Single Firm Vanishing?: Inter-Enterprise Networks, Labour and Labour Institutions.
Carre, Francoise, James Heintz.
The United States: Different Sources of Precariousness in a Mosaic of Employment Arrangements.
Casey, Bernard, Rudiger Dragendorf, Walter Heering, Gunnar John.
Temporary Employment in Great Britain and the Federal Republic of Germany: An Overview.
Castles, Stephen.
Guestworkers in Europe: A Resurrection?

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