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Searching by subject heading:You searched for: IRELAND in SUBJECT
Total 19 results of reference type: All found
Showing results from 1 to 20
#1 [more] | Bourgeault, Ivy Lynn, Susan Martin, Eam O'shea, Sarah Spencer. The Role of Migrant Care Workers in Aging Societies: Report on Research Findings in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada and the United States. |
#2 [more] | Cebrian, Inmaculada, Victoria Gash, Gloria Moreno, Philip J. O'Connell, Luis Toharia. Working-Time Changes: Social Integration Through Working-Time Transitions. |
#3 [more] | Conroy, Pauline, Maria Pierce. Temporary Agency Work - Ireland. |
#4 [more] | Cousins, Mel. Social Security and Atypical Workers in Ireland. |
#5 [more] | Gash, V. The Labour Market Outcomes of Atypical Employment in Ireland and Denmark. |
#6 [more] | Gash, V., P. J. O'Connell. The Effects of Working-Time, Segmentation and Labour Market Mobility on Wages and Pensions in Ireland. |
#7 [more] | International Organization for Migration. Managing Migration in Ireland: A Social and Economic Analysis. |
#8 [more] | Kaiser, Lutz C. Female Labor Market Transitions in Europe. |
#9 [more] | McGinnity, F., P. J. O'Connell, H. Russell. Regulating Working-Time Transitions in Europe. |
#10 [more] | O'Connor, J. S. Precarious Employment in Ireland in the Context of the European Employment Strategy. |
#11 [more] | O'Connor, Julia S. Ireland: Precarious Employment in the Context of the European Employment Strategy. |
#12 [more] | Piotet, Francoise. The Changing Face of Work: Researching and Debating the Issues. |
#13 [more] | Power, Andrew. Spatial Perspectives on Voluntarism in Learning Disability Services in Ireland. |
#14 [more] | Scott, Allen J., Michael Storper. Production, Work, Territory: The Geographical Anatomy of Industrial Capitalism. |
#15 [more] | Stanford, Jim, Leah F. Vosko. Challenging the Market: The Struggle to Regulate Work and Income. |
#16 [more] | Walby, Sylvia. Gender, Nations and States in a Global Era. |
#17 [more] | Ward, Kathryn B. Women Workers and Global Restructuring. |
#18 [more] | Wilkinson, B. Legal Protection of Part-Time Workers: Some Irish Developments. |
#19 [more] | Wilkinson, Brian. Protection of Part-Time Workers in Irish Law. |