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Aoyama, Yuko, Manuel Castells.
Paths Towards the Informational Society: Employment Structure in g7 Countries, 1920-90.
Appelbaum, Eileen, Thomas Bailey, Peter Berg, Arne L. Kalleberg.
Shared Work-Valued Care: New Norms For Organizing Market Work and Unpaid Care Work.
Appelbaum, Eileen, Rosemary Batt.
The New American Workplace: Transforming Work Systems in the United States.
Bosch, G., Peter Dawkins, F. Michon.
Broadbent, Kaye.
Sisters Organising in Japan and Korea: The Development of Women-Only Unions.
Chan, Steve.
Japan and the United States as Development Models.
Cheon, Byung-You, EeHwang Jung.
Economic Crisis and Changes in Employment Relations in Japan and Korea.
Clement, Wallace.
Who Works? Comparing Labor Market Practices.
Ebbinghaus, B.
Reforming Early Retirement in Europe, Japan and the USA.
Gill, Thomas.
Yoseba and Ninpudashi: Changing Patterns of Employment on the Fringes of the Japanese Economy.
Gottfried, Heidi.
Japan: The Reproductive Bargain and the Making of Precarious Employment.
Gottfried, Heidi.
Pathways to Economic Security: Gender and Nonstandard Employment in Contemporary Japan.
Gottfried, Heidi.
Temp(t)ing Bodies: Shaping Gender at Work in Japan.
Gottfried, Heidi, N. Hayashi-Kato.
Gendering Work: Deconstructing the Narrative of the Japanese Economic Miracle.
Hinrichs, Karl, William Roche, Carmen Sirianni.
Working Time in Transition: The Political Economy of Working Hours in Industrial Nations.
Ho Kim, Pil.
Political Preferences and Attitudes Towards the Welfare State: Cross-National Comparison of Germany, Sweden, The U.S. and Japan.
Loveman, Gary, Michael J. Piore, Werner Sengenberger.
The Re-Emergence of Small Enterprises: Industrial Restructuring in Industrialised Countries.
Macadam, Margaret.
Examining Home Care in Other Countries: The Policy Issues.
Neal, Alan.
L'Evolution Des Formes D'Emploi.
Ohmae, Kenichi.
The Borderless World: Power and Strategy in the Interlinked World Economy.

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