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You searched for: KOREA in SUBJECT

Total 6 results of reference type: All found


Showing results from 1 to 20


Cho, Joonmo, Jaeho Keum.
Job Instability in the Korean Labour Market: Estimating the Effects of the 1997 Financial Crisis.
Dribbusch, Heiner, Dave Lyddon, Sjaak van der Velden, Kurt Vandaele.
Strikes Around the World: Case-Studies of 15 Countries.
Joohee, Lee, Wonduck Lee.
Industrial Relations: Recent Changes and New Challenges.
Kim, Haejin, Paula B. Voos.
The Korean Economic Crisis and Working Women.
Lee, Jong-Wha.
Economic Growth and Human Development in the Republic of Korea.
Sung, Sirin.
Women Reconciling Paid and Unpaid Work in a Confucian Welfare State: The Case of South Korea.