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You searched for: MODELS OF CARE in SUBJECT

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Showing results from 1 to 20


Armstrong, Hugh, Pat Armstrong.
Contradictions at Work: Struggles For Control in Canadian Health Care.
Bettio, Francesca, Annamaria Simonazzi, Paola Villa.
Change in Care Regimes and Female Migration: The 'Care Drain' in the Mediterranean.
Bezanson, Kate, Meg Luxton.
Social Reproduction: Feminist Political Economy Challenges Neo-Liberalism.
Cancian, Francesca M., Stacey J. Oliker.
Caring and Gender.
Clarke, Brenda, Norma Daykin.
They'll Still Get the Bodily Care: Discourses of Care and Relationships Between Nurses and Health Care Assistants in the NHS.
Duncan, Simon, Janneke Plantenga, Fiona Williams.
Special Issue: New Divisions of Labour: Alternatives For Caring and Working - Combining Work and Care in the Polder Model: An Assessment of the Dutch.
Emilsson, Ulla.
Health Care, Social Care or Both? A Qualitative Explorative Study of Different Focuses in Long-Term Care of Older People in France, Portugal and Sweden.
Herd, Pam, Madonna Harrington Meyer, Sonya Michel.
Introduction: The Right to - or Not to - Care.
Jennings, Bruce, Eva Feder Kittay, Angela Wasunna.
Dependency, Difference and the Global Ethic of Longterm Care.
Lawson, Victoria.
Geographies of Care and Responsibility.
Lutz, Helma.
Migration and Domestic Work: A European Perspective on a Global Theme: Studies in Migration and Diaspora.
Meyer, Madonna Harrington.
Care Work: Gender, Labor and the Welfare State.
Mills, Lisa.
Maternal Health Policy and the Policies of Scale in Mexico.
Opie, Anne.
The Instability of the Caring Body: Gender and Caregivers of Confused Older People.
Rummery, Kirstein.
A Comparative Discussion of the Gendered Implications of Cash-For-Care Schemes: Markets, Independence and Social Citizenship in Crisis.
Salazar Parrenas, Rhacel.
Migrant Filipina Domestic Workers and the International Division of Reproductive Labour.
Salazar Parrenas, Rhacel.
Migrant Filipina Domestic Workers and the International Division of Reproductive Labour.
Stone, Deborah.
Caring by the Book.
Twigg, Julia.
The Body, Gender, And Age: Feminist Insights in Social Gerontology.
Ungerson, C.
Cash in Care.

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