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Bardasi, E., Janet C. Gornick.
Working For Less? Women's Part-Time Wage Penalties Across Countries.
Breen, R.
Explaining Cross-National Variation in Youth Unemployment: Market and Institutional Factors.
Delsen, Lei.
When do Men Work Part-Time?
Dionne, Sebastian, Sebastien LaRochelle-Cote.
International Differences in Low-Paid Work.
Graefe, Peter.
The Social Economy and the American Model Relating New Social Policy Directions to the Old.
Harrison, Bennett.
The Myth of Small Firms as the Predominant Job Generators.
Lee, Cheol Sung.
International Migration, Deindustrialization and Union Decline in 16 Affluent OECD Countries, 1962-1997.
McCarthy, Mary, Lucrezia Reichlin.
Do Women Cause Unemployment? Evidence From Eight OECD Countries.
Employment Outlook 2006.
Employment Outlook 2005.
The Partial Renaissance of Self-Employment.
Getting Started, Settling In: The Transition From Education to the Labour Market.
The OECD Jobs Study: Evidence and Explanations.
Whiteford, Peter, Edward Whitehouse.
Pension Challenges and Pension Reforms in OECD Countries.
Whitehouse, Gillian.
Legislation and Labour Market Gender Inequality: An Analysis of OECD Countries.
author unknown
Labour Market Flexibility: A Controversial Issue.