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Bowles, Paul, Fiona MacPhail.
From Casual Work to Economic Security: British Columbia, Canada.
Burgess, John, Iain Campbell.
Casual Employment in Australia and Temporary Work in Europe: Developing a Cross-National Comparison.
Doogan, K.
Long-Term Employment and the Restructuring of the Labour Market in Europe.
Doogan, K.
Job Insecurity and Long-Term Employment in Europe.
Doogan, K.
Insecurity and Long-Term Employment.
Gregg, Paul, J. Wadsworth.
Job Tenure in Britain, 1975-2000. is a Job For Life or Just For Christmas?
Krahn, Harvey.
Non-Standard Work on the Rise.
Owens, R.
The 'Long-Term or Permanent Casual' - an Oxymoron or 'a Well Enough Understood Australianism' in the Law.
Schippers, Joop, Nick van den Heuvel, Peter van der Hallen, Tanja van der Lippe.
Diversity in Life Courses; Consequences For the Labour Market.
author unknown
Educational Attainment, Basic Forms of Employment, Perm/Temp Employment by Industry, Canada and EU countries, 1997-2011 (TSD DE-1).
author unknown
High School Level Education, Detailed Forms of Employment by Occupation, Canada and Australia, 1997-2011 (TSD DE-2).
author unknown
Job Tenure by full-time and part-time and by permanent and temporary for detailed HSC occupation, Canada and EU countries, 1992-2011 (HSC WC-12).
author unknown
Permanent and temporary employment with annual income by basic HSC occupation, Canada, Australia and EU countries, 1995-2011 (HSC IB-3).
author unknown
Permanent/Temporary Employment by Industry and Occupation, Australia, Canada, EU Countries, 1992-2011 (FORMS FE-7).