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Anderson, Bridget.
A Very Private Business.
Baines, Donna.
Seven Kinds of Work - Only One Paid: Raced, Gendered and Restructured Work in Social Services.
Bose, Christine E., J. Litt, M. Zimmerman.
Global Dimensions of Gender and Carework.
Davidson, Marilyn J., Jill Earnshaw.
Vulnerable Workers: Psychosocial and Legal Issues.
Deitch, Cynthia, Roberta Spalter-Roth.
'I Don't Feel Right Sized; I Feel Out-Of-Work Sized': Gender, Race, Ethnicity and the Unequal Costs of Displacement.
Dobson, Marnie, Nancy A. Naples.
Feminists and the Welfare State: Aboriginal Health Care Workers and U.S. Community Workers of Color.
Duffy, Mignon.
Doing the Dirty Work: Gender, Race, And Reproductive Labor in Historical Perspective.
Glenn, Evelyn Nakano.
From Servitude to Service Work: Historical Continuities in the Racial Division of Paid Reproductive Labor.
Jackson, Andrew.
Work and Labour in Canada: Critical Issues.
Lyon, Dawn.
The Organization of Care Work in Italy: Gender and Migrant Labour in the New Economy.
MacDonald, Martha.
Feminist Economics: From Theory to Research.
Muteshi, Jacinta Khasiala, Isik Urla Zeytinoglu.
Gender, Race and Class Dimensions of Nonstandard Work.
Phizacklea, Annie, Carol Wolkowitz.
Homeworking Women: Gender, Racism, And Class at Work.
Presser, Harriet B.
Race-Ethnic and Gender Differences in Nonstandard Work Shifts.
Razack, Sherene.
When Place Becomes Race.
Razack, Sherene.
Looking White People in the Eye: Gender, Race and Culture in Courtrooms and Classrooms.
Reifer, Thomas Ehrlich.
Labor, Race, And Empire: Transport Workers and Transnational Empires of Trade, Production, And Finance.
Sadan, Rajani.
Feminising Race.
Stasiulis, Daiva.
Theorizing Connections: Gender, Race, Ethnicity and Class.
Stasiulis, Daiva.
The Political Economy of Race, Ethnicity and Migration.

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