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Ackers, Peter, Linda Hantrais.
Women's Choices in Europe: Striking the Work-Life Balance.
Barbier, Jean-Claude, Isabelle Darmon, N. Dull, C. Frade, L. Frey, M. Laparra, R. Lindley, K. Vogler-Ludwig.
Managing Labour Market Related Risks in Europe: Policy Implications.
Blazquez Cuesta, Maite, Nuria Elena Ramos Marti­n.
Part-Time Employment: A Comparative Analysis of Spain and the Netherlands.
Cebrian, Inmaculada, Victoria Gash, Gloria Moreno, Philip J. O'Connell, Luis Toharia.
Working-Time Changes: Social Integration Through Working-Time Transitions.
Cousins, C.
A Comparison of the Labor-Market Position of Women in Spain and the UK With Reference to the Flexible Labor Debate.
Cuesta, Maite, Nuria Martin.
Part-Time Employment: A Comparative Analysis of Spain and the Netherlands.
Fernandez Rodriguez, C. J., M. Martinez Lucio.
Narratives, Myths and Prejudice in Understanding Employment Systems: The Case of Rigidies, Dismissals and Flexibility in Spain.
Francesconi, Marco, Carlos Garcia-Serrano.
Unions and Flexible Employment in Britain and Spain: A Descriptive Note.
Golsch, Katrin.
Employment Flexibility in Spain and Its Impact on Transitions to Adulthood.
Houseman, Susan N., Machiko Osawa.
Nonstandard Work in Developed Economies: Causes and Consequences.
Macinnes, John.
Spain: Continuity and Change in Precarious Employment.
Neal, Alan.
L'Evolution Des Formes D'Emploi.
Sagardoy Bengoechea, Juan Antonio.
Labour Market Flexibility in Spain.