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You searched for: EMPLOYMENT in SUBJECT

Total 103 results of reference type: All found


Showing results from 41 to 60


Handler, Joel.
Social Citizenship and Workfare in the United States and Western Europe: the Paradox of Inclusion.
Harkness, S., J. Waldfogel.
The Family Gap in Pay: Evidence From Seven Industrialized Countries.
Herod, Andrew.
Labor Internationalism and the Contradictions of Globalization: Or, Why the Local is Sometimes Still Important in a Global Economy.
Hyde, A.
Classifications of US Working People and Its Impact on Worker Protection: A Report Submitted to the ILO.
Resolution Concerning the Measurement of Underemployment and Inadequate Employment Situations, Adopted by the Sixteenth International Conference of Labour Statisticians.
International Labour Office.
The Employment Relationship: Fifth Item on the Agenda.
Lawson, Victoria.
Geographies of Care and Responsibility.
Mastracci, Sharon H.
Persistent Problems Demand Consistent Solutions: Evaluating Policies to Mitigate Occupational Segregation by Gender.
McDowell, Linda.
Thinking Through Work: Complex Inequalities, Constructions of Difference and Trans-National Migrants.
Milkman, Ruth.
Two Worlds of Unionism: Women and the New Labor Movement.
Natti, Jouko.
Flexible Work - A Risk or an Opportunity For Women? A Nordic Perspective.
O'Reilly, J.
Framing Comparisons: Gendering Perspectives on Cross-National Comparisons of Welfare and Work.
O'Reilly, Jacqueline.
Theoretical considerations in cross-national employment research.
Employment Outlook 2005.
How Persistent Are Regional Disparities in Employment: The Role of Geographic Mobility.
The OECD Jobs Study: Evidence and Explanations.
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Help Wanted? Providing and Paying for Long-Term Care.
Orloff, Ann Shola.
From Maternalism to 'Employment For All': State Policies to Promote Women's Employment Across the Affluent Democracies.
Osterman, Paul.
Flexibility and Commitment in the United States Labour Market.
Palameta, Boris.
Low Income Among Immigrants and Visible Minorities.

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