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Bronfenbrenner, Kate.
Global Unions: Challenging Transnational Capital Through Cross-Border Campaigns.
Christopherson, Susan.
Patterns of Transformation, Patterns of Persistence: Women's Employment in OECD Countries.
Clark, Darlene A., Paul F. Clark.
Challenges Facing Nurses' Associations and Unions: A Global Perspective.
Conway, Janet.
Geographies of Transnational Feminisms: The Politics of Place and Scale in the World March of Women.
Gabriel, Christina.
A Question of Skills: Gender, Migration Policy and the Global Economy.
Herod, Andrew.
Labor Internationalism and the Contradictions of Globalization: Or, Why the Local is Sometimes Still Important in a Global Economy.
McBride, Stephen, Gary Teeple.
Relations of Global Power: Neoliberal Order and Disorder.
Prugl, Elisabeth.
What is a Worker? Gender, Global Restructuring, And the ILO Convention on Homework.
Ruggie, John Gerard.
What Makes the World Hang Together? Neo-Utilitarianism and the Social Constructivist Challenge.
Sengenberger, Werner.
Globalization and Social Progress: The Role and Impact of International Labour Standards.
Stanford, Jim.
Openness and Equity: Regulating Labor Market Outcomes in a Globalized Economy.
Taran, Patrick A.
Globalization, Migration and the Rule of Law: Roles and Challenges For International Organizations.
Waterman, Peter.
Trade Union Internationalism in the Age of Seattle.
Wells, Don.
Non Governmental Organizations and the Private Regulation of International Labour Standards.
Whitworth, Sandra.
Gender, International Relations and the Case of the ILO.
Wichterich, Christa.
Variants of Modernity.