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You searched for: NEOLIBERALISM in SUBJECT

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Showing results from 21 to 40


Kolarova, Marta.
Gender and Globalisation: Labour Changes in the Global Economy.
Leys, Colin.
Market Driven Politics: Neoliberal Democracy and the Public Interest.
McBride, Stephen, Gary Teeple.
Relations of Global Power: Neoliberal Order and Disorder.
McGregor, Sue.
Neoliberalism and Health Care.
Merz, Sabine N., Joya Misra, Jonathan Woodring.
The Globalization of Care Work: Neoliberal Economic Restructuring and Migration Policy.
Morton, Gary, Paul Smith.
Nine Years of New Labour: Neoliberalism and Workers' Rights.
Ong, Aihwa.
A Biocartography: Maids, Neoslavery, And NGOs.
Orsini, Michael.
Discourses in Distress: From 'Health Promotion' to 'Population Health' to 'You Are Responsible For Your Own Health'.
Peck, Jamie A., Adam Tickell.
Social Regulation After Fordism: Regulation Theory, Neo-Liberalism and the Global-Local Nexus.
Perrons, Diane.
Flexible Working Patterns and Equal Opportunities in the European Union: Conflict or Compatibility?
Power, Andrew.
Spatial Perspectives on Voluntarism in Learning Disability Services in Ireland.
Ramia, G., N. Wailes.
Putting Wage-Earners Into Wage-Earners' Welfare States: The Relationship Between Social Policy and Industrial Relations in Australia and New Zealand.
Randall, Glen E., A. Paul Williams.
Exploring Limits to Market-Based Reform: Managed Competition and Rehabilitation Home Care Services in Ontario.
Sender, Katherine.
Queens For a Day: Queer Eye For the Straight Guy and the Neoliberal Project.
Simonet, Daniel.
The New Public Management Theory and European Health-Care Reforms.
Stone, Deborah.
Caring by the Book.
Thomas, Mark.
Toyotaism Meets the 60-Hour Work Week: Coercion, Consent, And the Regulation of Working Time.
Woo-Cumings, Meredith.
After the Miracle: Neoliberalism and Institutional Reform in East Asia.

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