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Showing results from 21 to 40


Quadagno, Jill S.
Theories of the Welfare State.
Ramia, G., N. Wailes.
Putting Wage-Earners Into Wage-Earners' Welfare States: The Relationship Between Social Policy and Industrial Relations in Australia and New Zealand.
Utredningen om Deltidsarbete,Tillfalliga Jobb Och Arbetsloshetsersattning.
Sainsbury, Diane.
Immigrants' Social Rights in Comparative Perspective: Welfare Regimes, Forms in Immigration and Immigration Policy Regimes.
Sainsbury, Diane.
Gender and Welfare State Regimes.
Sook, Woo Myung.
Explaining Early Welfare Policies in South Korea: Focusing on the Nexus Between the State and the Business Sector.
Vanlerenberghe, Pierre.
Social Cohesion and the New Labour System.
Vosko, Leah F.
Rethinking Feminization: Gendered Precariousness in the Canadian Labour Market and the Crisis in Social Reproduction.
Wilthagen, Ton.
Flexibility and Social Protection.
Wincott, Daniel.
Paradoxes of New Labour Social Policy: Toward Universal Child Care in Europe's "Most Liberal" Welfare Regime?

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