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You searched for: SOCIAL LOCATION in SUBJECT

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Showing results from 81 to 100


Townson, Monica.
Reducing Poverty Among Older Women: The Potential of Retirement Income Policies.
Twigg, Julia.
The Body, Gender, And Age: Feminist Insights in Social Gerontology.
Waring, Marilyn.
If Women Counted: A New Feminist Economics.
Whiteford, Peter, Edward Whitehouse.
Pension Challenges and Pension Reforms in OECD Countries.
Willis, Katie, Brenda Yeoh.
Gender and Migration.
Wolbers, Maarten.
Patterns of Labour Market Entry: A Comparative Perspective on School-To-Work Transitions in 11 European Countries.
Zelinsky, Wilbur.
The Hypothesis of the Mobility Transition.

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