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You searched for: WELFARE in SUBJECT

Total 35 results of reference type: All found


Showing results from 21 to 40


McGuinness, Donald L., Eric G. Moore.
Adjustments of the Elderly to Declining Health: Residential Moves and Social Support.
McKeever, P.
The Family: Long-Term Care Research and Policy Formulation.
Morris, Lydia.
Constraints on Gender: The Family Wage, Social Security and the Labour Market: Reflection on Research in Hartlepool.
Orloff, Ann Shola.
Gender and the Social Rights of Citizenship: The Comparative Analysis of Gender Relations and Welfare States.
Peck, Jamie, Nikolas Theodore.
Beyond 'Employability'.
Pulkingham, Jane.
Remaking the Social Divisions of Welfare: Gender, Dependency, And UI Reform.
Rekart, Josephine.
Public Funds, Private Provision: The Role of the Voluntary Sector.
Rice, James J.
Redesigning Welfare: The Abandonment of a National Commitment.
Silver, Hilary.
Social Exclusion and Social Solidarity: Three Paradigms.
Stapleton, John.
Like Falling Off a Cliff: The Incomes of Low-Wage and Social Assistance Reciepients in the 1990s.
Stapleton, John.
Transitions Revisited.
Struthers, James.
Welfare to Workfare: Poverty and the 'dependency Debate' in Post-Second World War Ontario.
Walby, Sylvia.
New Agendas For Women.
Weigt, Jill Michele.
The Work of Mothering: Welfare Reform and the Carework of Working Class and Poor Mothers.
author unknown
Unmasking the Wisconsin Welfare "Miracle".

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