Prepared by Linda Briskin and Adinne Schwartz
The internet offers very useful resources for doing research on union issues. Prepared for the GWD, this webography includes links to and a mapping of relevant websites. The webography contains sections on Canadian union websites, union centrals outside Canada, sectoral union internationals, labour communications and media, labour policy, and labour research.
For more information about a specific website or group, please click on the corresponding union or organization of interest from the options below. For instance, to go directly to the website of the “Canadian Labour Congress”, click its corresponding title.
Canadian Labour Congress (CLC)
In Canada, the CLC is the main umbrella organization of national and international unions, provincial and territorial federations of labour, and district labour councils. It represents over three million workers. The CLC supports and educates unionists from many sectors and regions to fight for strong workplaces, pressure governments for change, build coalitions with like-minded groups and strengthen solidarity between workers in Canada and other countries.
Of Interest to Union Activists and Researchers:
The CLC website includes:
i. A newsletter
ii. Media releases
iii. Information on current campaigns such as “Stop Sweatshop Abuses”
iv. A number of social and economic policy documents
v. Information about initiatives in the international arena: around Human Rights and Equality; Health, Safety and Environment; Political Action, and Literacy.
For equity related policies, articles, resources, tools, campaigns and conferences, click “Human Rights and Equality” at the top of the page. From this page, users can access sub-topics such as “Aboriginal Workers”, “Pride”, “Workers with Disabilities”, “Workers of Colour”, “Women” and “Young Workers”.
To access the web pages of all affiliates click “links” at the top of the page.
Links to some large unions in Canada
Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE)
National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE)
Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC)
Hospital Employees’ Union (HEU)
SEIU Healthcare Union
United Steelworkers Canada National Office (USW)
Unite Here Canada
Union Coverage in Canada, 2013
Service Employees International Union
United Food and Commercial Workers
Canadian Union Postal Workers
Fédération de la Santé et des Services Sociaux
The two organizations below are not bargaining agents but umbrella organizations of unions in the sector. They are listed given how significant teachers and nurses are to the demographics in the Canadian labour movement.
Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions
Canadian Teachers Federation
American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO)
The AFL-CIO is a voluntary federation of 57 national and international labour unions. It represents 12.2 million workers. The AFL-CIO mission is to improve the lives of working families – to bring economic justice to the workplace and social justice to America. Its activities include training future organizers, lobbying the government, strengthening ties among American unions, and transforming the role of unions to increase worker input into working conditions and company operations (e.g. product quality). For more on the mission and goals of AFL-CIO click on the “About AFL-CIO” link at the top of the page.
Of Interest to Union Activists and Researchers:
The AFL-CIO site website includes:
i. Headline news
ii. A legislative action centre (including current issues, voting records, and fact sheets) facts and Statistics about various topics of concern to activists
iii. Corporate Watch outlines the activities in the areas of worker’s jobs, health and safety, and civil rights
iv. An action centre (scroll over “Get Involved”) which includes events, petitions, and contact information of authoritative bodies.
For equity related facts, statistics, and reports, click on the “Learn About Unions” link, located at the top of the homepage. To learn about AFL-CIO Constituency Groups scroll over the “About AFL-CIO” tab at the top of the page and select “Allied Organizations” from the drop down menu. This page lists a number of websites representing ethnic and cultural minority groups, women, and queers in the union movement.
To access the web pages of all AFL-CIO affiliates click “Find a State or Local AFL-CIO” from the menu bar on the left.
Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU)
The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) is the only peak council and national centre representing the Australian workforce. The ACTU is made up of 46 affiliated unions representing around 1.8 million workers. The ACTU speaks on behalf of all workers including those in manufacturing, finance, government and the service sector generally. It includes trades, sales, clerical, technical and professional workers amongst its affiliated union membership. More about the history of ACTU
Of Interest to Union Activists and Researchers:
From the home page:
i. Click on “Campaigns” at the top of the page to learn about ACTU’s struggle for minimum wage increase, paid maternity leave for all women, reasonable working hours and many other issues. Each site includes research papers.
ii. Click on “Publications” to access a list of working papers, economic reports, conference papers, policies, and all the library holdings (paper-based) of the ACTU including books, journals, and reports.
Change to Win Federation
Change to Win is comprised of 5.5 million workers in the United States. Their central objective is to unionize the roughly 50 million service workers in America. The goal of the Change to WIN Federation is to secure relevant wages, benefits and working conditions for those working in the auto, steel, electrical, rubber and other manufacturing industries.
In 2005 seven unions split from the AFL-CIO: International Brotherhood of Teamsters; Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA); UNITE HERE Service Employees International Union (SEIU); United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW); United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America; and the United Farm Workers. Their first convention was held in March 2006.
Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU)
COSATU was launched in 1985 after four years of unity talks between unions opposed to apartheid and committed to a non-racial, non-sexist and democratic South Africa. COSATU has 21 affiliates who represent more than two million workers. COSATU’s strategic objectives include improving material conditions of its members and of working people as a whole, organizing the unorganized and ensuring worker participation in the struggle for peace and democracy. More information on the history of COSATU.
Of Interest to Union Activists and Researchers:
COSATU’s Communications Department produces two publications available online. The Shopsteward is COSATU’s flagship publication. It showcases news and events, policies and programmes, views and opinions from the federation and its affiliates. Eight editions are published per annum. COSATU weekly presents up to date labour news for COSATU members. To access the publications click on the “Publications” link at the top of the page.
Scroll over the “Links” tab at the top of the page to access the websites of COSATU affiliates
European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)
The ETUC was set up in 1973 and represents 60 million trade unionists belonging to 83 National Trade Union Confederations in 36 countries across Europe. The ETUC works for the development of a peaceful, stable and united Europe with full human and civil rights and high living standards for working people. The ETUC, together with the other European social partners, works with all the EU institutions – Presidency, Council, Commission and Parliament – in developing employment, social and macroeconomic policy.
Of Interest to Union Activists and Researchers:
i. From the home page, click on “News” to access ETUC information, activities, and reports.
ii. From the home page, click on “Documents” to access detailed information about ETUC press releases, positions, policies and issue information.
iii. For information on the particular issues of women and youth, select “Issues” from the home page.
Trades Union Congress (TUC)
The TUC of Britain has 58 affiliated unions representing nearly 6.5 million working people. The TUC campaigns for a fair deal at work and for social justice at home and abroad. Among other things, the TUC lobbies the Government, campaigns on economic and social issues, conducts research on employment issues, unites British unions to create common policies, and represents British workers in international bodies.
Of Interest to Union Activists and Researchers:
From the home page, click on “Unions” for links to British Unions, “Work Rights” for detailed information on employment rights, and to browse books, guides, leaflets, and posters on a variety of topics including equality.
The TUC conducts research and analyses on the UK labour market. To accesses these materials, click on “Publications” at the top of the home page. Then click “Employment Research” from the menu listed on the left side of the page.
Click on “Email Alerts” at top of home page to sign up for alerts on various issues, campaigns etc.
Click on “Equality Issues” on the right of the home page for information about TUC’s campaigns against discrimination at work and in society based on sex, race, sexual orientation, disability and age. It is possible to sign-up for email bulletins on selected issues.
UNI Global Union
UNI is the skills and services international launched on January 1, 2000. It is a new global union and part of the trade union response to increasing economic regionalisation and globalisation and to the convergence of what were, in the past, separate industries. UNI has more than 900 affiliated unions in 150 countries around the world, representing more than 20 million members. In 2009, UNI changed its name from Union Network International
It brings together unions in Commerce, Electricity, Finance, Gaming, Graphic, Hair & Beauty Care, Media, Entertainment and Arts, Postal and Allied Services, Property Services, Social Insurance and Private Health Care, Telecommunications, Tourism, Business Services, Information Technology, Property Services, Cleaning, Security Groups, and Professional and Managerial Staff. UNI has three key groups which cut across the Sectors: Women, Youth, and Professional and Managerial Staff.
UNI encourages solidarity across borders, raises issues of common concern with employers, governments and international bodies – and promotes trade union rights worldwide. Ten strategic objectives have been identified: Social Dimension to Globalisation; Building Strong Trade Unions; Social Dialogue with Employers; Agreements with Multinational Companies; Solidarity Action; Affiliates Online; Equality; UNI Services; The Global Union Family; and Communications.
Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO)
LO is the Swedish Trade Union Confederation, which organizes 14 affiliates representing approximately 1,700,000 members, of whom about 770,000 are women, in both public and private sectors.
Of Interest to Union Activists and Researchers:
The website includes:
i. Statistical data and survey results
ii. LO policies, position papers and research reports
iii. Information on labour legislation in Sweden
All the above is available in both Swedish and English.
Confederation of German Trade Unions (DGB)
The Confederation of German Trade Unions (DGB) represents over 8 million workers holding membership in its eight member unions.
Of Interest to Union Activists and Researchers:
The website includes:
i. Statistical data and survey results
ii. Position papers and research reports
iii. Information on labour legislation in Germany
While the site includes information pages in Spanish, French and English, all the reports and data are provided in German only.
Federation of Korean Trade Unions (FKTU)
The Federation of Korean Trade Unions represents over 700,000 workers in South Korean trade unions. It is one of two union centrals in South Korea, and from the 1961 military coup until 1999 was the only trade union central recognized by the military dictatorship and its civilian government successors. FKTU is affiliated with International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC).
Global Unions
Global Unions is a structure bringing together 12 “Global Union Federations” (representing international sectoral union federations: Education International (EI), Building and Wood Workers International (BWI), International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and International Trade Union House, ICEM, International Press Centre (IFJ), IMF, International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), International Textile, Garment and Leather Workers’ Federation (ITGLWF), International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tabacco and Allied Workers’ Associations (IUF), Public Service International (PSI), and UNI.
The website contains an array of online publications, reports, campaign updates, as well as copies of framework agreements developed by the GUFs.
The website is available in English, Spanish and French.
International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)
ITUC has 311 affiliated organizations in 155 countries and territories on all five continents, with a membership of 168 million. It has three major regional organizations, ITUC-AP for Asia and the Pacific, ITUC-AF for Africa, and TUCA for the Americas. It also maintains close links with the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and the Global Unions Council (through which it maintains connections with the Global Union Federations and TUAC – the Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD). The ITUC conducts campaigns and advocacy work directed toward international institutions with the aim of bolstering the interests and rights of workers. Such work focuses particularly on:
i. Trade union and human rights
ii. Economy, society and the workplace
iii. Equality and non-discrimination
iv. International solidarity
Many reports, manuals, publications and research papers are available, as well as information and news updates on current and recent campaigns, and video content
The website is available in English, Spanish, French and German.
Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU)
The Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) represents over 677,790 South Korean workers in over 1768 individual trade unions, including 18 national sectoral federations and the Korean Federation of Women Workers Unions. Initially formed in 1994, it was officially and legally recognized by the South Korean government in 1999.
The website features an English-language page containing news, background information about the KCTU, press releases and a few brief reports. More detailed information and reports are available on the Korean-language page.
Netherlands Trade Union Confederation (FNV)
The FNV is comprised of over 1.4 million workers represented by 17 trade unions. It is the largest trade union federation in the Netherlands. The website is available in both English and Dutch: the English website contains primarily information about the FNV itself as well as news releases from the FNV; the Dutch-language site contains considerably more information, including research and policy reports and information about ongoing FNV campaigns and issues.
New Zealand Council of Trade Unions (NZCTU) Te Kauae Kaimahi
The NZCTU is comprised of 40 labour unions representing over 350,000 workers.
Of Interest to Union Activists and Researchers:
The website contains a number of policy documents produced by the NZCTU, as well as research reports, leaflets, and campaign guides and other resource materials pertaining to ongoing campaigns of the NZCTU. It also contains information on labour legislation in New Zealand, and provides news releases and other news on current issues affecting workers in New Zealand.
The website is available only in English.
International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers’ Unions (ICEM)
The ICEM is a rapidly growing industry-based world labour federation dedicated to practical solidarity. It unites trade unions in its sectors on all continents. More than 20 million workers worldwide are already members of the ICEM.
In 2012 affiliates with ICEM joined with IndustriaALL Global Union.
International Transport Workers Federation (ITF)
The ITF is an affiliation of 690 unions representing 4.5 million transport workers in 153 countries. It is one of several Global Federation Unions allied with the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU). The ITF represents the interests of transport workers’ unions in bodies which take decisions affecting jobs, employment conditions or safety in the transport industry, such as the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO). More information on ITF
The aims of the ITF are:
i. To promote respect for trade union and human rights worldwide
ii. To work for peace based on social justice and economic progress
iii. To help its affiliated unions defend the interests of their members
iv. To provide research and information services to its affiliates
v. To provide general assistance to transport workers in difficulty.
The ITF organizes international solidarity when transport unions in one country are in conflict with employers or government and need direct help from unions in other countries. The ITF was created out of solidarity between striking workers and we still believe that the best way for transport workers to build global structures is by backing other workers in their struggles.
Public Services International (PSI)
PSI is the global union federation for public sector trade unions. PSI represents some 650 affiliated trade unions in 148 countries. Together, these unions organize more than 20 million public sector workers, providing services in central government, health and social care, municipal and community services, and public utilities. More information about PSI.
Of Interest to Union Activists and Researchers:
From the home page:
i. Paper-based and online publications are available by clicking “Resources” at the top of the homepage, and then selecting “Publications and Research” from the drop down menu.
ii. Learn about PSI campaigns by clicking “Trade Union Rights” at the top of the homepage.
iii. Equity related resources, reports, campaigns, news, policies and publications are available by clicking “Issues” at the top of the homepage.
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM)
Representing over 720,000 machinist and aerospace workers in Canada and the US, the site features news and updates pertaining to the union, information on ongoing campaigns and issues affecting members, organizing resources and a members area with more detailed information and resources for members.
The website is available in English only.
Building and Wood Workers International (BWI)
The IFBWW is headquartered in Switzerland and represents workers in the building, building materials, wood, forestry and allied industries. Consisting of more than 328 trade unions representing over 12 million members in 130 countries, the BWI website contains a range of research reports and policy analyses relevant to the industries it represents.
The website is available in English, French and Spanish.
International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)
The IFJ represents more than 600,000 members in over 100 countries. It is the largest organization representing journalists and is the representative body for journalists in the international labour movement. The IFJ produces the International Press Card, the most widely recognized international press pass.
Of Interest to Union Activists and Researchers:
The website contains information on a wide range of ongoing campaigns, with particular emphasis on issues pertaining to journalistic freedom and safety, repression of the press, and the murder and persecution of journalists. It contains a number of reports focusing particularly on the human rights of journalists and on press freedoms and journalistic safety in various regions of the world, as well as detailed information on ongoing media and human rights projects funded by the IFJ.
The website is available in English, French and Spanish.
International Metalworkers’ Federation (IMF)
The International Metalworkers’ Federation (IMF) is an affiliation of over 25 million metalworkers, comprised of over 200 unions involved in the metal industry (aerospace, automotive, electrical and electronics, iron steel and non-ferrous metals, mechanical engineering, and shipbuilding) in 100 countries.
Of Interest to Union Activists and Researchers:
The website includes:
i. Statistical data and survey results
ii. IMF policies, position papers and research reports
iii. Online versions of educational and training manuals
The website is in English; reports are published in a variety of languages.
In 2012 affiliates with IMF joined with IndustriaALL Global Union.
International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW)
The UAW has over 390,000 active members in over 750 unions located in Canada, the United States and Puerto Rico. Members’ workplaces range from multinational corporations, small manufacturers and state and local governments to colleges and universities, hospitals and private non-profit organizations
Of Interest to Union Activists and Researchers:
The website includes:
i. Information, position pieces and editorials on current issues of relevance to workers in the UAW
ii. Current and archived editions of newsletters produced by the UAW, containing a range of articles and short research reports
The website is available in English only.
International Union of Professional Drivers (UICR)
The UICR represents over 1.4 million long-range drivers in Europe, North America and Africa. Based in Switzerland, the organization’s website provides brief information on safety and ecological concerns for truckers and drivers, updates and analyses of legislative statutes in various jurisdictions, news pertaining to trucking and driving, ongoing events updates and members’ discussion fora, among other information. The site is available in German, English and French.
Workers Uniting
Formed by an affiliation agreement between the North American-based United Steelworkers (USW) and Unite the Union (based in the United Kingdom and Ireland), Workers Uniting is collectively comprised of over three million members representing a wide range of industries in Canada, the US, the United Kingdom and Ireland.
The website feature news updates from its composite unions and brief information on ongoing priority campaigns for the new union.
Canadian Association of Labour Media (CALM)
The Canadian Association of Labour Media (CALM) is a network of union publications and editors that provide labour-friendly stories and graphics and training for labour communicators. The major affiliates of the Canadian Labour Congress set up CALM in 1976. In 1986 it launched its news and graphic services. CALM has about 300 members, who each get a newsletter starter kit, access to stories and graphics for their newsletters, articles giving newsletter advice, a chance to win a CALM award for excellence in union publications, and a yearly training conference.
Of Interest to Union Activists and Researchers:
i. Description of upcoming and past conferences.
ii. Order a copy of “Union Editor’s Handbook”, “What’s Libel?”, or “What is Copyright?”
Cyber Picket Line
The Cyber Picket Line website offers a comprehensive list of links to trade unions across the world by clicking “Web Directory”. Cyber Picket Line also offers links to a wide variety of labour related topics on the web. Links can be found on topics such as news and media, health care and society and culture, for example.
Labor Notes
Labor Notes is an American non-profit organization that wants to “put the movement back in the labor movement”. Labor Notes is best known for its monthly magazine of the same name and also publishes pamphlets and booklets to help activists deal with workplace issues. It runs periodic schools, and holds a national conference every two years which attracts activists from the US, Canada, and Mexico. More information about Labor Notes.
Of Interest to Union Activists and Researchers:
i. Join Labor Notes’ Update List to receive email announcements of news, articles, publications, conferences, and campaigns.
ii. Select to receive a free copy of their magazine or access their pamphlets.
iii. Access links to books of interest to labour activists and researchers.
LaborNet began in the United States to build a democratic communication network for the labour movement. LaborNet’s founders believe that the new communication technology must be put to use to revitalize and rebuild the labour movement. LaborNet is now established in Canada, United Kingdom, Austria, Germany, and Korea. LaborNet also works to defend the Internet from censorship and the privatization of information that would limit rights to communicate and build world unionism. LaborNet exists as a place to publicize struggles and build campaigns for workers’ rights. It provides on-line support to help train and build connections with the Web. More information on LaborNet
Of Interest to Union Activists and Researchers:
i. LaborNet has an extensive collection of multimedia information about labour issues in the form of audio and video presentations.
ii. Access to union directories, statistics, publications, news, legislation and legal information.
iii. Sign up to LaborNet’s email list.
LabourStart is an online news service maintained by a global network of volunteers which serves the international trade union movement by collecting and disseminating information and helping to build union campaigns. Its features include daily labour news links in 20 languages and a news syndication service used by more than 700 trade union websites. News is collected from mainstream, trade union, and alternative news sources by a network of nearly 500 volunteer correspondents based on every continent. More information on LabourStart.
Of Interest to Union Activists and Researchers:
i. Sign up to receive notices about urgent actions, updates on previous actions, pointers to new articles and changes at LabourStart.
ii. An online discussion forum is also available.
Global Labor Strategies
Produced by a team of independent labour activists and researchers, GLS provides a combination of editorial commentary, in-depth reports and links to ongoing news coverage of a range of issues faced by the labour movement both in the Americas and internationally.
Labor Beat
Produced by the Chicago-based Committee for Labor Access, LaborBeat features online video and radio streaming broadcasts and podcasts produced independently. It also features the weekly Labor Express radio news magazine. Coverage is primarily focused on the US with some limited international coverage.
New Unionism Network
An international network of labour union members and supporters, dedicated to supporting and organizing workplace democracy from an international perspective.
Of Interest to Union Activists and Researchers:
The website contains:
i. An expansive online collection of articles, documents and reports produced by unions from around the world and divided into subject areas
ii. An exhaustive collection of links to useful labour union websites, and particularly to sources of statistical data on the labour force produced in various countries
iii. A newswire providing information and regular updates on news and information of relevance to labour unions
Workers Independent News (WIN)
WIN researches and compiles news headlines pertaining to the labour movement – with a particular focus on the US – and produces print and radio material (primarily brief headline stories) which is available for syndication and also accessible online.
Working TV
WorkingTV is produced by the Slim Evans Society, based in British Columbia, Canada. It produces a regular weekly television program focusing on labour and union issues. Programs are and have been broadcast on a variety of community access stations in Canada, the US, Israel, Korea and Japan. WorkingTV also produces Union Made Radio, a regular radio program broadcast also focusing on labour and union issues. Programming is accessible online via the website.
Union Renewal
A blog operated by staff of the Netherlands Trade Union Confederation (FNV) which focuses particularly on issues of globalisation; social justice; young, minority and flexible workers, with a particular emphasis on European labour union issues.
International Labour Organization (ILO)
The ILO is the UN agency dedicated to the promotion of social justice and internationally recognized human and labour rights. The ILO formulates international labour standards in the form of Conventions and Recommendations setting minimum standards of basic labour rights: freedom of association, the right to organize, collective bargaining, abolition of forced labour, and equality of opportunity and treatment. More information about ILO
Of Interest to Union Activists and Researchers:
i. Extensive collection in the field of work and labour issues, users can view paper holdings as well as electronic resources.
ii. Links to events and resources for promoting gender equality generally, and within the ILO.
iii. Information on labour standards, publications, statistics and databases.
Trade Union Advisory Committee to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (TUAC-OECD)
The Trade Union Advisory Committee (TUAC) to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is an interface for trade unions with the OECD, a leading forum for intergovernmental policy making to manage globalisation. TUAC is an international trade union organisation which has consultative status with the OECD and its various committees. TUAC’s role is to help ensure that global markets are balanced by an effective social dimension. Through regular consultations with various OECD committees, the secretariat, and member governments, TUAC coordinates and represents the views of the trade union movement in the industrialized countries. It is also responsible for coordinating trade union input into the annual G8 economic summits and employment conferences. TUAC’s affiliates consist of over 58 national trade union centres in the 30 OECD industrialised countries which together represent some 66 million workers.
Workplace Research Centre (WRC)
The Workplace Research Centre, based at the University of Sydney Business School, is one of Australia’s leading, multi-disciplinary, research and training organizations. The WRC monitors and analyzes the changing nature of work.
Of Interest to Union Activists and Researchers:
i. Research resources, reports, surveys and current projects are available to view online.
ii. WRC offers courses, workshops and conferences.
Canadian Industrial Relations Association (CIRA)
The Canadian Industrial Relations Association (CIRA) is a national network promoting discussion, research, and education in the field of work and industrial relations. CIRA helps facilitate networking among industrial relations specialists from both labour and management, as well as from government and universities.
Of Interest to Union Activists and Researchers:
i. CIRA members receive its official publication of the quarterly review, Relations Industrielles / Industrial Relations.
ii. Previous issues of RI/IR are available.
iii. The home page displays news highlights including calls for papers and conferences.
iv. Job postings related to labour relations are listed.
Working Histories
This website shows the history of Canadian Labour from 1850 to 1999 and how the labour movement helped change Canada. It contains text description, photos, cartoons, transcripts and audio components.
European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
The Foundation is a European Union body, one of the first to be established to work in specialized areas of EU policy. Specifically, it was set up by the European Council to contribute to the planning and design of better living and working conditions in Europe. More information on the Foundation.
The Foundation carries out research and development projects in order to provide data and analysis to support the formulation of EU policy on working and living conditions. The Foundation has a network of experts throughout Europe who conduct research on its behalf including assessing the current national situations, the preparation of case studies and national reports and the conducting of surveys.
Of Interest to Union Activists and Researchers:
i. Access to equity related documents.
ii. Events, current research, survey and publications are all available.
iii. Topic specific information is available by clicking “Areas of Expertise”.
The European Industrial Relations Dictionary
Designed as an easy-to-use online reference tool, the European Industrial Relations Dictionary, developed by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working, is a comprehensive collection of the most commonly used terms in employment and industrial relations in the EU. It contains almost 300 alphabetically listed entries, featuring concise definitions and relevant contextual information, with hyperlinks to EU legislation and case law.
Background information is provided on the industrial relations context, institutional framework, legal framework, collective industrial relations, individual employment, the enterprise, free movement of workers, discrimination and equality in employment, health and safety and movement towards an EU system of industrial relations. The product of a collaborative effort between acknowledged experts in the field, the dictionary is aimed at policymakers, practitioners and all those interested in the history and evolving structure of the European Union.
For equity related documents, search key words such as “Gender” or “Equality”.
The European Industrial Relations Observatory (EIRO)
EIRO, part of the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working, is a monitoring instrument offering news and analysis on European industrial relations. Its aim is to collect, analyze and disseminate high-quality and up-to-date information on key developments in industrial relations in Europe. It serves the needs of national and European level organizations of the social partners, governmental organizations and EU institutions. The database contains more than 8,000 records, dating from 1997 to the present. These comprise of:
i. News and feature articles
ii. Comparative studies
iii. Annual reviews and updates on key issues as pay and working time
iv. Thematic and sectoral analyses
v. EIRObserver bulletin
EIRO articles are sorted by country, sector and also in chronological order. A full text search can be carried out on all EIRO records and results can be narrowed down by country, sector and date using the advanced search facility.
Globalization and Labor Standards (GALS)
The GALS Bibliographic Library contains abstracts of recent law journal articles exploring international labour standards and rights in the global economy. Taken from English language law journals from around the world, GALS provides an annotated bibliography categorized by subject heading. Current subject headings include: Codes of Conduct, Child Labor, NAFTA, WTO, Alien Tort Claims Act, ILO, European Union, Forced Labor, Trade Conditionality, Women’s Rights, etc. The database allows researchers to search or browse the archive of current and previously posted abstracts by subject, author, journal, date, or keyword.
Of Interest to Union Activists and Researchers:
i. Researchers can sign up for the GALS listserve to receive monthly abstracts of recent law journal articles exploring international labour standards in the global economy.
ii. Access links to related projects on labour research.
The International Centre for Trade Union Rights (ICTUR)
ICTUR is an independent forum for discussion and debate among trade unionists, labour lawyers and academics worldwide. ICTUR is an organizing and campaigning body with the fundamental purpose of defending and improving the rights of trade unions and trade unionists throughout the world. More information about ICTUR.
ICTUR publishes International Union Rights: Journal of the International Centre for Trade Union Rights. This quarterly journal features news, opinions and articles from leading labour movement commentators worldwide. Regular contributors include trade unionists, labour lawyers, academics, journalists and human rights workers. Available in French or English.
Of Interest to Union Activists and Researchers:
i. Access special reports, international news, ICTUR’s involvement in international labour issues and publications.
Just Labour: A Canadian Journal of Work and Society
Just Labour, an electronic journal, is an initiative of the Centre for Research on Work and Society (CRWS), an organized research unit of York University, Toronto, Canada. This journal brings together the work of academics and trade union researchers to offer complex exploration and articulation of many facets of employment life. For example, Just Labour addresses changes in employee-employer relationships, subversion of union action, and the culture and activities of Canadian workers. More information on Just Labour.
Of Interest to Union Activists and Researchers:
i. Researchers can access any of the journal articles or book reviews from Just Labour.
ii. Access to previous volumes and issues.
iii. Links to a lengthy list of sites of interest including labour, education, and media websites.
Labor Research Association (LRA)
Labor Research Association is a New York City-based non-profit research and advocacy organization that provides research and educational services for trade unions. Through its annual Labor Awards Dinners, LRA gives recognition to labour and political leaders who have made significant contributions to labour struggles.
Labour/Le Travail
Labour/Le Travail is the official, semi-annual publication of the Canadian Committee on Labour History. Since it began publishing in 1976, it has carried many important articles in the field of working-class history, industrial sociology, labour economics, and labour relations. Although primarily interested in a historical perspective on Canadian workers, the journal is interdisciplinary in scope. In addition to articles, the journal features documents, conference reports, an annual bibliography of materials in Canadian labour studies, review essays, and reviews. While the main focus of the journal’s articles is Canadian, the review essays and reviews consider international work of interest to Canadian labour studies. Many of Labour’s articles are illustrated and each issue is book length, averaging 350 pages an issue.
Of Interest to Union Activists and Researchers:
i. This website displays the contents of current and previous issues of Labour/Le travail.
ii. Subscriptions can be purchased online or using the mail-in order form.
iii. Course outlines from instructors across Canada are available online. Although many of these courses are not specifically on labour, they all emphasize issues of class in the course content.
Lancaster House
Lancaster House publishes books, loose-leaf texts, and newsletters on labour and employment law. For over 30 years, they have been serving the informational needs of employees, employers, professional organizations, unions, management and legal practitioners across Canada.
Of Interest to Union Activists and Researchers:
i. Sign up for a variety of bi-weekly e-bulletins on topics such as disability and accommodation, human rights and workplace privacy, by selecting “e-bulletins” from the home page.
ii. Access a variety of publications (to order or view online) by clicking “Books & Services” from the homepage, select a topic, and click “Ordering Information”.
Public Services International Research Unit (PSIRU)
PSIRU was set up in 1998 to carry out empirical research into privatisation, public services, and globalisation. It is based in the Business School, University of Greenwich, UK. PSIRU maintains an extensive database of information on the economic, political, financial, social and technical experience with privatisations of public services worldwide. The core work is funded by Public Services International (PSI), the global confederation of public service trade unions.
The principal focus of PSIRU’s work is on water, energy, waste management and healthcare, but it also addresses the general questions of the role and structure of public services, both in the EU and in developing countries; the role of multinational companies in globalisation; and the role of the international financial institutions, especially the World Bank. The work of the PSIRU touches on a number of issues, including: corruption, public enterprise, multinationals’ labour relations policies, public-private partnerships, political and economic effects of long-term private financing or PFI, pension funds and corporate governance, use of internet and databases for sharing information internationally, social network analysis. More information on PSIRU.
International Federation of Workers’ Education Associations (IFWEA)
The IFWEA represents workers’ education associations, national and international labour unions, and other organizations involved in educational and training opportunities by and for workers. The website contains a variety of reports and educational resources, with particular foci on gender, health and safety, social protection and the informal economy. It also contains news releases and links to relevant news.
The website is only available in English.
International Labour Rights Forum (ILRF)
Arising from the 1997 restructuring of the former International Labour Rights Fund, the ILRF continues the advocacy work of that organization (while litigation work has been continued through the now distinct IRAdvocates).
Of Interest to Union Activists and Researchers:
The website contains a variety of reports, news updates and other information pertaining to labour issues, with a particular focus on issues addressing women workers, child labour, sweatshops, and violence directed against labour unions and activists.
International Rights Advocates (IRAdvocates)
Arising from the 1997 restructuring of the former International Labour Rights Fund, IRAdvocates researches and conducts litigation against multinational corporations and governments with the aim of establishing and upholding workers rights at an international level. The website contains useful background information on ongoing cases initiated by the IRAdvocates. It also contains a limited number of publications on legal issues pertaining to international labour rights.
Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training (JILPT)
The JILPT is a national organization which conducts research and advocacy work on labour policy in Japan. In addition to coordinating research projects and publications it also operates a training college and develops training courses on a range of labour issues, primarily directed toward national government staff working in the area of labour relations and related fields.
Of Interest to Union Activists and Researchers:
The website includes:
i. research reports and information on labour legislation in Japan
ii. regular publications of the JILPT including Japan Labour Review, the Japanese Journal of Labour Studies, Labour Situation in Japan and Analysis, and Japanese Working Life Profile
iii. statistical data and survey results
iv. an online database connected to the JILPT’s extensive library of labour-related documents
All the above is available in both Japanese and English.
Leadership, Feminism and Equality in Unions in Canada
Leadership, Feminism and Equality in Unions in Canada explores the current climate and attitudes to women, feminism, leadership and equality in Canadian unions through the insights, voices and experiences of women union leaders, activists and staff.
Of Interest to Union Activists and Researchers:
i. Popular articles suitable for union education
ii. Union Equity Audit, a tool to explore the changing patterns on women’s equality issues and leadership inside unions
iii. Our Questions lists the research questions guiding the project
iv. Links to other relevant material