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You searched for: FEMINIZATION in SUBJECT

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Showing results from 1 to 20


Adams, Tracey.
Feminization of Professions: The Case of Women in Dentistry.
Armstrong, Pat.
The Feminization of the Labour Force: Harmonizing Down in a Global Economy.
Arun, Shoba, Richard Heeks, Sharon Morgan.
ICT Initiatives, Women and Work in Developing Countries: Reinforcing of Changing Gender Inequality in South India?
Baines, Donna.
Seven Kinds of Work - Only One Paid: Raced, Gendered and Restructured Work in Social Services.
Bakker, Isabella.
Introduction: The Gendered Foundations of Restructuring in Canada.
Ball, Rochelle E.
Divergent Development, Racialised Rights: Globalised Labour Markets and the Trade of Nurses - The Case of the Philippines.
Briskin, Linda.
Public Sector Militancy, Feminization, And Employer Aggression: Trends in Strikes, Lockouts, And Wildcats in Canada From 1960 to 2004.
Bronfenbrenner, Kate.
Organizing Women: The Nature and Process of Union-Organizing Efforts Among U.S. Women Workers Since the Mid-1990s.
Broomhall, Susan.
Women's Medical Work in Early Modern France.
Cohen, Marcy.
The Feminization of the Labour Market: Prospects For the 1990s.
Cohen, Philip.
The Gender Division of Labor: 'keeping House' and Occupational Segregation in the United States.
Coles, Anne, Anne-Meike Fechter.
Gender and Migration Among Professionals: Beyond the 'incorporated Wife'.
Cranford, Cynthia J., Leah F. Vosko, Nancy Zukewich.
The Gender of Precarious Employment in Canada.
Dannecker, Petra.
Transnational Migration and the Transformation of Gender Relations: The Case of Bangladeshi Labour Migrants.
DeJoseph, Jeanne F., DeAnne K. Hilfinger Messias.
The Personal Work of a First Pregnancy: Transforming Identities, Relationships, And Women's Work.
Forrest, Anne.
A View From Outside the Whale: The Treatment of Women and Unions in Industrial Relations.
Frank, Dana.
Women's Power is Union Power: Banana Worker Unions in Latin America.
Fudge, Judy.
Labour Law's Little Sister: The Employment Standards Act and the Feminization of Labour.
Fudge, Judy, Leah F. Vosko.
By Whose Standards? Re-Regulating the Canadian Labour Market.
Gilgun, Jane F., L. M. Meadows, Marvin B. Sussman.
Discovering Women's Work: A Study of Post-Retirement Aged Women.

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