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You searched for: GENDER in SUBJECT

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Showing results from 1 to 20


Acker, Joan.
Gender, Class and Relations of Distribution.
Aiken, Sharryn, Donald Calloway, Emily Carasco, Audrey Macklin.
Cases and Materials in Canadian Immigration and Refugee Law.
Alamgir, Hasanat, Sharla Drebit, Catherine Fast, Catherine Kidd, Shicheng Yu.
Are Female Healthcare Workers at Higher Risk of Occupational Injury?
Alimahomed, Sabrina, Edna Bonacich, Jake B. Wilson.
The Racialization of Global Labor.
Andrews, Mary E., Debra G. Morgan, Norma J. Stewart.
More alike than Different: A Comparison of Male and Female RNs in Rural and Remote Canada.
Arat-Koc, Sedef.
Immigration Policies, Migrant Domestic Workers and the Definition of Citizenship in Canada.
Armstrong, Pat, Barbara Clow, Karen Grant, Margaret Haworth-Brockman, Beth Jackson, Ann Pederson, Morgan Seeley.
Thinking Women and Health Care Reform in Canada.
Atanackovic, Jelena, Ivy Lynn Bourgeault, Rishma Parpia, Ahmed Rashid.
Relations Between Immigrant Care Workers and Older Persons in Home and Long-Term Care.
Baines, Donna.
Seven Kinds of Work - Only One Paid: Raced, Gendered and Restructured Work in Social Services.
Bakan, Abigail B., Daiva Stasiulis.
Negotiating Citizenship: The Case of Foreign Domestic Workers in Canada.
Baker-Collins, Stephanie, Sheila M. Neysmith, Elaine Porter, Marge Reitsma-Street, Sandra Tam.
Provisioning Responsibilities: How Relationships Shape the Work That Women do.
Bakker, Isabella.
Unpaid Work and Macroeconomics: New Discussions, New Tools For Action.
Beaujot, Roderic, Jianye Liu, Z. Ravanera.
Models of Earning and Caring: Determinants of the Division of Work.
Belisle, A., G. Le Jeune, K. Messing.
The Data Gap in Canada Women's Occupational Health.
Benhabib, Seyla, Judith Resnik.
Migrations and Mobilities: Citizenship, Borders, And Gender.
Benoit, Cecilia, Shari Brotman, Natalie Clark, Renee Cormier, Olena Hankivsky, Colleen Reid, Colleen Varcoe.
Exploring the Promises of Intersectionality For Advancing Women's Health Research.
Berner, Boel.
Gendered Practices: Feminist Studies of Technology and Society.
Bjornsdottir, Kristin, Christine Ceci, Mary Ellen.
Patching up the Holes: Analyzing the Work of Home Care.
Bowles, Paul, F. MacPhail.
Corporate Social Responsibility as Support For Employee Volunteers: Impacts, Gender Puzzles and Policy Implications in Canada.
Boyd, Monica.
Gender, Refugee Status and Permanent Settlement.

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