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You searched for: GLOBALIZATION in SUBJECT

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Showing results from 1 to 20


Abu-Laban, Yasmeen, Christina Gabriel.
Selling Diversity: Immigration, Multiculturalism, Employment Equity, And Globalization.
Ackers, Peter, Chris Smith, Paul Smith.
Against All Odds?: British Trade Unions in the New Workplace.
Aglietta, Michel.
Capitalism at the Turn of the Century: Regulation Theory and the Challenge of Social Change.
Albo, Greg, Dan Crow.
Neoliberalism, NAFTA, And the State of the North American Labor Movements.
Allsop, Judith, Ivy Lynn Bourgeault, Julia Evetts, Kathryn Jones, Thomas Le Bianic, Sirpa Wrede.
Encountering Globalization Professional Groups in an International Context.
Ally, Shireen.
Caring About Care Workers: Organizing in the Female Shadow of Globalization.
Ameratunga, Sriana, Lin Lim, Carmel Whelton.
The Role of Trade Unions in Promoting Gender Equality: Report of the ILO-ICFTU Survey.
Anderson, J. M.
Gender, Race, Poverty, Health and Discourse of Health Reform in the Context of Globalization: A Post-Colonial Feminist Perspective in Policy Research.
Aneesh, A.
Virtual Migration: The Programming of Globalization.
Armstrong, Pat.
The Feminization of the Labour Force: Harmonizing Down in a Global Economy.
Atlin, Joan, Bob Jeffcott, Deena Ladd, Lynda Yanz.
Policy Options to Improve Standards For Women Garment Workers in Canada and Internationally.
Autler, Lilian, Sonia Baires, Patricia Landolt.
From Hermano Lejano to Hermano Mayor: The Dialectics of Salvadoran Transnationalism.
Avci, Gamze, Christopher McDonald.
Chipping Away at the Fortress: Unions, Immigration and the Transnational Labour Market.
Bakan, Abigail B., Daiva Stasiulis.
Negotiating Citizenship: Migrant Women in Canada and the Global System.
Bakker, Isabella.
Introduction: The Gendered Foundations of Restructuring in Canada.
Bakker, Isabella.
The Strategic Silence: Gender and Economic Policy.
Balakrishnan, Radhika.
The Hidden Assembly Line: Gender Dynamics of Subcontracted Work in a Global Economy.
Baldoz, Rick, Charles Koeber, Philip Kraft.
The Critical Study of Work: Labour, Technology, And Global Production.
Batt, R., D. Holman, U. Holtgrewe.
The Global Call Centre Report: International Perspectives on Management and Employment.
Benhabib, Seyla, Judith Resnik.
Migrations and Mobilities: Citizenship, Borders, And Gender.

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