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Amott, Teresa L., Julie Matthaei.
Race, Gender, And Work: A Multicultural Economic History of Women in the United States.
Anderson, Kay J.
Vancouver's Chinatown: Racial Discourses in Canada, 1875-1980.
Anderson, Grace, Davis J. Campbell.
Portuguese Immigrant Women in Canada.
Aoyama, Yuko, Manuel Castells.
Paths Towards the Informational Society: Employment Structure in g7 Countries, 1920-90.
Arango, Joaquin.
Theories of International Migration.
Arat-Koc, Sedef.
Immigration Policies, Migrant Domestic Workers and the Definition of Citizenship in Canada.
Arguelles, Lourdes.
Undocumented Female Labor in the United States Southwest: An Essay on Migration, Consciousness, Oppression and Struggle.
Armacost, Nicola Cunningham.
Gender and Immigration Law: The Recruitment of Domestic Workers to Canada, 1867-1940.
Armstrong, Pat, Jacqueline Choiniere, Elaine Day.
Vital Signs: Nursing in Transition.
Armstrong-Stassen, Marjorie.
Alternative Work Arrangements: Meeting the Challenges.
Avery, Donald H.
Reluctant Host: Canada's Response to Immigrant Workers, 1896-1994.
Bakan, Abigail B., Daiva Stasiulis.
Negotiating Citizenship: Migrant Women in Canada and the Global System.
Baldoz, Rick, Charles Koeber, Philip Kraft.
The Critical Study of Work: Labour, Technology, And Global Production.
Baxter, Janeen.
Patterns of Change and Stability in the Gender Division of Household Labour in Australia, 1986-1997.
Beaudry, Paul, Thomas Lemieux.
Evolution of the Female Labour Force Participation Rate in Canada, 1976-1994: A Cohort Analysis.
Bihagen, Erik, Marita Ohls.
The Glass Ceiling -- Where is It? Women's and Men's Career Prospects in the Private Vs. the Public Sector in Sweden 1979-2000.
Bohle, Philip, Claire Mayhew, Michael Quinlan.
Contingent Work: Health and Safety Perspectives or the Global Expansion of Precarious Employment, Work Disorganisation and Occupational Health: A Review of Recent Research.
Bonacich, Edna, Ivan Light.
Immigrant Entrepreneurs: Koreans in Los Angeles 1965-1982.
Boris, Eileen.
Home to Work: Motherhood and the Politics of Industrial Homework in the United States.
Boris, Eileen, Cynthia R. Daniels.
Homework: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Paid Labor at Home.

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