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Showing results from 1 to 20


Andrey, Jean, Margo Hilbrecht, Laura C. Johnson, Susan M. Shaw.
'I'm Home For the Kids':Contradictory Implications For Work-Life Balance of Teleworking Mothers.
Arat-Koc, Sedef.
Importing Housewives: Non-Citizen Domestic Workers and the Crisis of the Domestic Sphere in Canada.
Arat-Koc, Sedef, Wenona Giles.
Maid in the Market: Women's Paid Domestic Labour.
Armstrong-Stassen, Marjorie, Kay Devine, Norm Solomon, Andrew Templer.
Telework and Teleworkers.
Aubry, Benoit.
Travail Atypique Cherche Normes Equitables.
Baines, Susan.
New Technologies and Old Ways of Working in the Home of the Self-Employed Teleworker.
Baines, Susan.
Servicing the Media: Freelancing, Teleworking and 'enterprising' Careers.
Balakrishnan, Radhika.
The Hidden Assembly Line: Gender Dynamics of Subcontracted Work in a Global Economy.
Baxter, Janeen, Belinda Hewitt, Mark Western.
Post-Familial Families and the Domestic Division of Labour.
Beneria, Lourdes, Martha Roldan.
The Crossroads of Class and Gender: Industrial Homework, Subcontracting, And Household Dynamics in Mexico City.
Bernstein, Stephanie, Lucie Lamarche, Katherine Lippel.
Women and Homework: The Canadian Legislative Framework.
Boris, Eileen.
Home to Work: Motherhood and the Politics of Industrial Homework in the United States.
Boris, Eileen, Cynthia R. Daniels.
Homework: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Paid Labor at Home.
Boris, Eileen, Elisabeth Prugl.
Homeworkers in Global Perspective: Invisible no More.
Borowy, Jan, Judy Fudge.
Meeting the Needs of Vulnerable Workers: Proposals For Improved Employment Legislation and Access to Collective Bargaining For Domestic Workers and Industrial Homeworkers.
Borowy, Jan, Shelly Gordon, Gayle Lebans.
Are These Clothes Clean?: The Campaign For Fair Wages and Working Conditions For Homeworkers.
Bryant, Susan.
At Home on the Electronic Frontier: Work, Gender, And the Information Highway.
Carni, O., Amira Galin.
Special Issue: Flexible Work Patterns and Their Impact on Industrial Relations.
Chambers, Lori, Margaret Denton, Maroussia Hajdukowski-Ahmed, Mary O'Connor, Isik Urla Zeytinoglu.
Women's Work, Women's Voices: From Invisibility to Visibility.
Christensen, Kathleen.
Reevaluating Union Policy Toward White-Collar Home-Based Work.

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