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Almey, Marcia, Maria Almey, Sandra Besserer, Jennifer Chard, Colin Lindsay, Josee Normand, Valerie Pottie Bunge, Heather Tait, Nancy Zukewich.
Women in Canada 2000: A Gender-Based Statistical Report.
Berik, Gunseli, Cihan Bilginsoy.
Type of Work Matters: Women's Labor Force Participation and the Child Sex Ratio in Turkey.
Bezanson, Kate.
The Neo-Liberal State and Social Reproduction: Gender and Household Insecurity in the Late 1990s.
Bracke, Piet, Wendy Christiaens, Naomi Wauterickx.
The Pivotal Role of Women in Informal Care.
Burton, Peter, Lars Osberg, Shelley Phipps.
Time as a Source of Inequality Within Marriage: Are Husbands More Satisfied With Time For Themselves Than Wives?
Carriere, Yves.
The Impact of Demographic Aging on Social and Health Services Directed at the Elderly Losing Their Autonomy: Institutionalization and Care at Home (L'Incidence du Vieillissement Demographique Sur Les Services Sociosanitaires Destines Aux Personnes Age.
Chappell, N. L.
Living Arrangements and Sources of Caregiving.
Cole, Sally.
Reconstituting Households, Retelling Culture: Emigration and Portuguese Fisheries Workers.
Cornford, Tony, Laurence Habib.
Computers in the Home: Domestication and Gender.
Dillon, Lisa.
Parent-Child Co-Residence Among the Elderly in 1871 Canada and 1880 United States: A Comparative Study.
Dunning, Will.
Jobs in Jeopardy: Government Could Stall Housing Engine.
Dymski, Gary, Maria Floro.
Financial Crisis, Gender and Power: An Analytic Framework.
Elson, Diane.
The Political, The Economic and the Domestic.
Everingham, Christine.
Engendering Time: Gender Equity and Discourses of Workplace Flexibility.
Gee, Ellen M.
Living Arrangements and Quality of Life Among Chinese Canadian Elders.
Glazer, Nona Y.
The Home as Workshop: Women as Amateur Nurses and Medical Care Providers.
Malkin, Victoria.
'We go to Get Ahead': Gender and Status in Two Mexican Migrant Communities.
Mazumdar, Shampa, Judith Treas.
Kinkeeping and Caregiving: Contributions of Older People in Immigrant Families.
Pessar, P. R.
Engendering Migration Studies: The Case of New Immigrants in the United States.
Rosenberg, Mark W., Nicole M. Yantzi.
The Contested Meanings of Home For Women Caring For Children With Long-Term Care Needs in Ontario, Canada.

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