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You searched for: RESTRUCTURING in SUBJECT

Total 24 results of reference type: All found


Showing results from 1 to 20


Albo, Greg, Dan Crow.
Neoliberalism, NAFTA, And the State of the North American Labor Movements.
Armstrong, Hugh, Pat Armstrong.
Wasting Away: The Undermining of Canadian Health Care.
Bakker, Isabella.
The Gendered Foundations of Restructuring in Canada (introduction).
Bakker, Isabella.
Introduction: The Gendered Foundations of Restructuring in Canada.
Bezanson, Kate.
The Neo-Liberal State and Social Reproduction: Gender and Household Insecurity in the Late 1990s.
Briskin, Linda.
Militancy and Resistance in the New Economy.
Cranford, Cynthia J.
Gender and Citizenship in the Restructuring of Janitorial Work in Los Angeles.
Crow, Barbara, Graham Longford.
From the Electronic Cottage to the Silicon Sweatshop: Social Implications of Telemediated Work in Canada.
Crow, Barbara, Graham Longford.
Digital Restructuring: Gender, Class, And Citizenship in the Information Society in Canada.
Fernandez Kelly, Patricia M.
International Development and Industrial Restructuring: The Case of Garment and Electronic Industries in Southern California.
Frost, A. C., D. Van Jaarsveld, D. Walker.
The Canadian Contact Centre Industry: Strategy, Work Organization, And Human Resource Management.
Fudge, Judy, Leah F. Vosko.
By Whose Standards?: Reregulating the Canadian Labour Market.
Gabriel, Christina.
Restructuring at the Margins: Women of Colour and the Changing Economy.
Heather, Barbara, Lynn Skillen, Theresa Vladicka, Jennifer Young.
Women's Gendered Identities and the Restructuring of Rural Alberta.
Heather, Barbara, D. L. Skillen, Jennifer Young.
Health Care Restructuring, Agricultural Reform, And Rural Women's Experiences of Paid and Unpaid Work.
Lowe, Graham.
The Future of Work.
Marshall, Victor W.
Restructuring Work and the Life Course.
McKeen, Wendy, Ann Porter.
Politics and Transformation: Welfare State Restructuring in Canada.
McKenna, Megan K. L., Roger A. Roberge.
Restructuring, Gender and Employment in Flux: A Geography of Regional Change in Cornwall, Ontario.
Menzies, Heather.
Telework, Shadow Work: The Privatization of Working in the New Economy.

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