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You searched for: UNIONISM in SUBJECT

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Abbott, Brian.
Small Firms and Trade Unions in Social Services in the 1990s.
Apesoa-Varano, Ester-C, Charles-S Varano.
Nurses and Labor Activism in the United States: The Role of Class, Gender, And Ideology.
Bewley, Helen, Sue Fernie.
What do Unions do For Women?
Burawoy, Michael.
The Public Turn: From Labor Process to Labor Movement.
Das Gupta, Tania.
Racism and Paid Work.
Hirsch, B. T., David A. Macpherson.
Union Membership and Coverage Database.
Johnson, Anick, Rene Morissette, Grant Schellenberg.
Diverging Trends in Unionization.
Milkman, Ruth.
Two Worlds of Unionism: Women and the New Labor Movement.
Uppal, S.
Unionization 2010.
Walker, J. A.
Union Members in 2007: A Visual Essay.
Wells, Don.
The Impact of the Postwar Compromise on Canadian Unionism: The Formation of an Auto Worker Local in the 1950s.
Yates, C.
Challenging Misconceptions About Organizing Women Into Unions.
author unknown