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You searched for: COMPLIANCE in SUBJECT

Total 44 results of reference type: All found


Showing results from 21 to 40


Goodwin, Miles, Glenda Maconachie.
Employer Evasion of Worker Entitlements 1986-95: What and Whose?
Group, Enforcement Gap, L.F. Vosko.
Closing the Gap: Improving Employment Standards Protections for People in Precarious Jobs.
Grundy, J., M.P. Thomas, L.F. Vosko.
Challenging New Governance: Evaluating New Approaches to Employment Standards Enforcement in Common Law Jurisdictions.
Gunningham, N.
Enforcement and Compliance Strategies.
Gunningham, N.
Compliance, Deterrence and Beyond.
Hansen, Fay.
FLSA Compliance and Enforcement: The Employment Standards Administration, the Watchdog for FLSA Compliance, Goes Anywhere Employees Call.
Hardy, Tess.
Enrolling Non-State Actors to Improve Compliance with Minimum Employment Standards.
Heckman, James J., Kenneth I. Wolpin.
Does the Contract Compliance Program Work?: An Analysis of Chicago Data.
Johnstone, R., R. Sarre.
Regulation: Enforcement and Compliance.
Kingdom, United.
Department for Business,Innovation and Skills. National Minimum Wage Compliance Strategy.
Lasowski, Anne-Marie.
Fair Labor Standards Act: Better use of Available Resources and Consistent Reporting could Improve Compliance.
Madland, David, Karla Walter.
Enforcing Change: Five Strategies for the Obama Administration to Enforce Workers'.
Mijic, Yuri.
Enforcing Workplace Rights: Evaluating Fair Work Reforms to the Federal Compliance Regime.
Ombudsman, Fair Work.
Horticulture Industry Shared Compliance Program 2010: Final Report.
Pollert, Anna.
The Unorganised Worker: Problems at Work and Routes to Resolution with the Citizens Advice Bureau.
Pollert, Anna, Paul Smith.
The Limits of Individual Employment Rights: The Reality of Neoliberalism.
Pyles, A., D. Weil.
Why Complain? Complaints, Compliance, and the Problem of Enforcement in the U.S. Workplace.
Teague, Paul.
Reforming the Anglo-Saxon Model of Labour Inspection: The Case of the Republic of Ireland.
Tucker, E.
Administering Danger in the Workplace: The Law and Politics of Occupational Health and Safety.
Tucker-Simmons, Daniel.
Open for Business, Closed for Workers: Employment Standards, the Enforcement Deficit, and Vulnerable Workers in Canada.

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