The cross-national comparative statistical tables enable researchers to focus on aspects of precarious employment in relation to the three module themes: wages and wage compensation, hours, complaints and enforcement, non-wage benefits and compensation, and termination and severance. The database can be used to obtain basic information on a topic or to examine complex social relations. The statistical tables are multidimensional and are displayed using a user interface that enables users to interact with and manipulate the data presentation as desired (created using the R programming language and Shiny). University and community users doing non-commercial research and teaching may apply for access.
The ESD uses data from seven core surveys focused on the study of employment standards, violations and their enforcement. The ESD includes the following surveys:
Survey of Employment Standards Compliance in Ontario (SESC)
Survey of Employment Standards Violations (SESV)
Survey of Work Problems and Actions (SWPA)
Australia at Work Survey (AWS)
Individual’s Awareness, Knowledge and Exercise of Employment Rights Survey (IAER)
Unrepresented Worker Survey (UWS)
Employees’ Awareness, Knowledge and Exercise of Employment Rights Survey (EAER)
Broken Laws, Unprotected Workers Survey (BLUW)
statistics tutorial
A tutorial explaining how to use and manipulate the statistical tables, how to approach statistical data, and how to get the most out of the data available on the ESD.
apply for statistics access
Although free of charge, the statistical data on the ESD is not available for full public use. This page explains eligibility requirements, how to apply for access, and how to cite the ESD module content and data.
esd harmonization documents
This page provides links to several ESD harmonization documents including the harmonized codebook + data dictionary, the easy to use harmonized codebook, documents on industry and occupation harmonization, and information other harmonization documents.
statistics database
Authorized access to several interactive, multidimensional statistical tables that can be manipulated using an interface created in Shiny.