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Basok, Tanya.
Human Rights and Citizenship: The Case of Mexican Migrants in Canada.
Chomka, Stefan.
Illegal Workers Slip through Employment Standards Net.
Gomberg-Munez, R., L. Nussbaum-Barberena.
Is Immigration Policy Labor Policy? Immigration Enforcement, Undocumented Workers, and the State.
Jones, Rhys.
Learning Beyond the State: The Pedagogical Spaces of the CAB Service.
Samers, M.
'Here to Work': Undocumented Immigration in the United States and Europe.
Smith, Rebecca.
The Rights of Migrant Workers and their Families in an Irregular Situation.
Thomas, M.P.
Labour Migration and Temporary Work: Canada's Foreign Worker Programs in the `New Economy.'.
Tucker, E.
Will the Vicious Cycle of Precariousness Be Broken? The Exclusion of Ontario Farm Workers from the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
Valenzuela Jr., et al.
On the Corner: A Day Labor in the United States.
Vosko, L.F.
Managing the Margins: Gender, Citizenship, and the International Regulation of Precarious Employment.