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Bernhardt, Annette, James DeFilippis, Siobhan McGrath.
Unregulated Work in the Global City: Employment and Labor Law Violations in New York City.
Casey, R., J. Grundy, R. Hi, A.N. Noack, L.F. Vosko.
Enforcement of Ontario's Employment Standards Act: The Impact of Reforms.
Cho, E.H., T. Koonse, A. Mischel.
Hollow Victories: The Crisis in Collecting Unpaid Wages for California's Workers.
Cooney, Sean, John Howe, Nicole Yazbek.
Study on Labour Inspection Sanctions and Remedies: The Case of Australia.
Davidov, Guy.
The Enforcement Crisis in Labour Law and the Fallacy of Voluntarist Solutions.
Delury, Bernard E.
To Improve and Protect Employment Standards: A Legal and Moral Responsibility.
Education, Committee, Labor.
Is DOL Effectively Enforcing our Wage and Hour Laws?
Estlund, Cynthia.
Rebuilding the Law of the Workplace in an Era of Self-Regulation.
Gellatly, Mary, Mark P. Thomas, Leah F. Vosko.
New Approaches to Enforcement and Compliance with Labour Regulatory Standards: The Case of Ontario.
Gonzalez, Ana Luz, Ruth Milkman, Victor Narro.
Wage Theft and Workplace Violations in Los Angeles: The Failure of Employment and Labor Law for Low-Wage Workers.
Gordon, Colin.
Wage Theft in Iowa.
Lasowski, Anne-Marie.
Fair Labor Standards Act: Better use of Available Resources and Consistent Reporting could Improve Compliance.
Madland, David, Karla Walter.
Enforcing Change: Five Strategies for the Obama Administration to Enforce Workers'.
Pollert, Anna.
What do Unrepresented Workers do about Problems at Work?
Wood, Roderick J.
The Recovery of Pay System in Part III of the Canada Labour Code.
author unknown
Campaign to End Wage Theft. Protecting New York's Workers: How the State Department of Labor can Improve Wage-and-Hour Enforcement.