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Showing results from 1 to 20


Bernhardt, Annette.
An Introduction to the Gloves-Off Economy.
Davidov, Guy.
The Enforcement Crisis in Labour Law and the Fallacy of Voluntarist Solutions.
Dickens, Linda.
Delivering Fairer Workplaces through Statutory Rights? Enforcing Employment Rights in Britain.
Gellatly, M.
`Modernising' Employment Standards? Administrative Efficiency and the Production of the Illegitimate Claimant in Ontario, Canada.
Group, Enforcement Gap, L.F. Vosko.
Closing the Gap: Improving Employment Standards Protections for People in Precarious Jobs.
Tucker-Simmons, Daniel.
Open for Business, Closed for Workers: Employment Standards, the Enforcement Deficit, and Vulnerable Workers in Canada.
Vosko, L.F.
Feminist Political Economy and Everyday Research on Work and Employment: The Case of Employment Standards Enforcement.