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Baird, M., J. Burgess.
Employment Entitlements: Development, Access, Flexibility and Protection.
Bussell, Sue, John Farrow.
Continuity and Change: The Fair Work Act in Aviation.
French, Ben.
Australian Charter of Employment Rights, the Australian Institute of Employment Rights, Hardie Grant Books, 2007: ISBN: 9781740665360. Cost: $27.00 Including GST within Australia.
Landau, Ingrid.
Trade Unions and the Enforcement of Minimum Employment Standards in Australia: Policy Report.
MacDermott, Therese, Joellen Riley.
Alternative Dispute Resolution and Individual Workplace Rights: The Evolving Role of Fair Work Australia.
McCrystal, Shae, Belinda Smith.
Industrial Legislation in 2010.
Mijic, Yuri.
Enforcing Workplace Rights: Evaluating Fair Work Reforms to the Federal Compliance Regime.
Nelms, Lucy, Peter Nicholson, Troy Wheatley.
Employees Earning Below the Federal Minimum Wage: Review of Data.
Ombudsman, Fair Work.
Horticulture Industry Shared Compliance Program 2010: Final Report.
Palmer, Elyane.
The Representative Role of Unions in the Fair Work System.
Preston, Allison, Serena Yu.
Understanding the Part-Time/Full-Time Wage Gap in Australia.
Sloan, Judith.
Evaluating the Fair Work Act.
Stewart, Andrew.
Fair Work Australia and the Legacy of the Commission.
Waugh, Ben.
Trade Unions and the Freedom of Association: A Comparative Analysis of Work Choices and the Fair Work Act.