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You searched for: HOURS OF WORK in SUBJECT

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Showing results from 1 to 20


Arthurs, Harry.
Fairness at Work: Federal Labour Standards for the 21st Century.
Buott, Kyle, Judy Haiven, Larry Haiven.
Labour Standards Reform in Nova Scotia: Reversing the War Against Workers.
Canada, Human Resources Development.
Evaluation of Federal Labour Standards (Phase II.
Education, Committee, Labor.
Is DOL Effectively Enforcing our Wage and Hour Laws?
Elman, Gail, Anil Verma.
Labour Standards for a Fair Globalization for Workers of the World.
Fudge, Judy.
Control Over Working Time and Work-Life Balance: A Detailed Analysis of the Canada Labour Code, Part III: A Report Prepared for the Federal Labour Standards Review.
Ghosheh Jr., Sangheon Lee, Deirdre McCann.
Conditions of Work and Employment for Older Workers in Industrialized Countries: Understanding the Issues.
Greenleaf, Robert, John Meyer.
Enforcement of State Wage and Hour Laws: A Survey of State Regulators.
Hanson, Tim, Bruce Hayword, Carole Maxwell.
Individuals' Awareness, Knowledge, and Exercise of Employment Rights: Second Benchmark Study.
Klein, Seth.
No Evidence to Justify Lowering the Floor: A Submission to the BC Employment Standards Review.
Labour, Ontario Ministry.
What Young Workers should Know: Employment Standards Fact Sheet.
Labour, British Columbia Ministry.
Employment of Young People: A Guide for Parents. Prince.
Lee, S., D. McCann, J.C. Messenger.
Working Time Around the World.
Noack, A.M., M.P. Thomas, L.F. Vosko.
How Far Does the Employment Standards Act, 2000, Extend and What Are the Gaps in Coverage? An Empirical Analysis of Archival and Statistical Data.
Schor, J.
The Overworked America: The Unexpected Decline of Leisure.
Thomas, M.P.
Setting the Minimum: Ontario's Employment Standards in the Postwar Years, 1944-1968.
Tomeldan, Darla, Cecilia Tumolva.
Domestic Workers and Caregivers' Rights: The Impact of Changes to B.C.'s Employment Standards Regulation.
Vela, Xavier M.
Fair Labor Standards for the Handicapped.