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You searched for: LABOUR LAWS in SUBJECT

Total 104 results of reference type: All found


Showing results from 1 to 20


A, Kimberly, Nolan Garcia.
Transnational Advocates and Labor Rights Enforcement in the North American Free Trade Agreement.
Abel, Jorg, Ludger Pries.
Shifting Patterns of Labor Regulation: Highly Qualified Knowledge Workers in German New Media Companies.
Bernhardt, Annette.
An Overview of the Gloves-Off Economy: Workplace Standards at the Bottom of America's Labor Market.
Bernhardt, A.
Broken Laws, Unprotected Workers: Violations of Employment and Labor Laws in America's Cities.
Bernhardt, Annette.
Unprotected Workers: Violation of Employment and Labor Laws in America's Cities.
Bernhardt, Annette, James DeFilippis, Siobhan McGrath.
Unregulated Work in the Global City: Employment and Labor Law Violations in New York City.
Bernhardt, Annette, James DeFilippis, Diana Polson.
Working without Laws: A Survey of Employment and Labor Law Violations in New York City.
Bernhardt, Annette, Michael Spiller, Nik Theodore.
Employers Gone Rogue: Explaining Industry Variation in Violations of Workplace Laws.
Bezanson, K., M. Luxton.
Introduction: Social Reproduction and Feminist Political Economy.
Bredgaard, Thomas.
Flexibility and Security in Employment Regulation: Learning from Denmark.
Bryson, Alex.
Managerial Responsiveness to Union and Nonunion Worker Voice in Britain.
Budd, John W., Stefan Zagelmeyer.
Chapter 20: Public Policy and Employee Participation.
Buott, Kyle, Judy Haiven, Larry Haiven.
Labour Standards Reform in Nova Scotia: Reversing the War Against Workers.
Burgess, Pete, Susan Corby, Paul Latreille.
Varieties of Tribunals: Employment Disputes Resolution, Legal Origins and National Business Systems.
Canada, Human Resources Development.
Evaluation of Federal Labour Standards (Phase II.
Canada, Law Commission.
Is Work Working? Work Laws that do a Better Job.
Carlson, Richard R.
Citizen Employees.
Casebourne, Jo.
Employment Rights at Work -- Survey of Employees 2005.
Chapman, Anna.
Industrial Law, Working Hours, and Work, Care and Family.
Combemale, Martine, Jacques Igalens.
Fair Labour Association Model." Management Models for Corporate Social Responsibility.

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