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Bossert, Walter, Conchtia D'Ambrosio.
Relative Measures of Economic Insecurity.
Bowles, Paul, Fiona MacPhail.
From Casual Work to Economic Security: The Case of British Columbia.
Buott, Kyle, Judy Haiven, Larry Haiven.
Labour Standards Reform in Nova Scotia: Reversing the War Against Workers.
Campbell, I.
Australia: Institutional Changes and Workforce Fragmentation.
Carre, Francoise.
Job Quality: Scenarios, Analysis and Interventions.
Carre, Francoise, Chris Tilly.
A Framework for International Comparative Analysis of the Determinants of Low-Wage Job Quality.
Cheung, Leslie L.
Living on the Edge: Long Employment Gaps for Temporary Migrant Workers Under the Live-in Caregiver Program (LCP.
Gellatly, Mary Unpaid Wages.
Working on the Edge: Workers' Action Centre.
Kalleberg, A.L.
Good Jobs, Bad Jobs: The Rise of Polarized and Precarious Employment Systems in the United States, 1970s-2000s.
Kellner, Ashlea, Paula McDonald, Jennifer Waterhouse.
Sacked! an Investigation of Young Workers' Dismissal.
Labor Cooperation, Commission.
The Rights of Nonstandard Workers: A North American Guide.
Lives, Hidden, T.U.C.Commission Vulnerable Employment. Hard Work.
The Full Report of the Commission on Vulnerable Employment.
MacPhail, Fiona.
Temporary Work and Neoliberal Government Policy: Evidence from British Columbia, Canada.
MacPhail, Fiona.
Improving the Economic Security of Casual Workers in BC.
McBride, S.
Not Working: State, Unemployment, and Neo-Conservatism in Canada.
McDonough, Laura.
The Opportunity Equation: Building Opportunity in the Face of Growing Income Inequality.
Peck, J.
Workfare States.
Piore, Michael J.
Flexible Bureaucracies in Labor Market Regulation.
Preston, Allison, Serena Yu.
Understanding the Part-Time/Full-Time Wage Gap in Australia.
Summers, C.W.
Employment at Will in the United States: The Divine Right of Employers.

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