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Bingham, Lisa Blomgren, Tina Nabatchi, Rosemary O'Leary.
The New Governance: Practices and Processes for Stakeholder and Citizen Participation in the Work of Government.
Creese, Gillian, Veronica Strong-Boag.
Losing Ground: The Effects of Government Cutbacks on Women in British Columbia.
Fairey, David.
Eroding Worker Protections: British Columbia's New 'Flexible' Employment Standards.
Fuller, Sylvia, Lindsay Stephens.
Women's Employment in BC: Effects of Government Downsizing and Employment Policy Changes 2001-2004.
Irwin, John, Stephen McBride, Tanya Strubin.
Child and Youth Employment Standards: The Experience of Young Workers Under British Columbia's New Policy Regime.
Jacobs, John, W.Thom Workman.
Undermining Wages in Nova Scotia: The Minimum Wage from 1976-2002.
Kalleberg, A.L.
Good Jobs, Bad Jobs: The Rise of Polarized and Precarious Employment Systems in the United States, 1970s-2000s.
Klein, Seth.
No Evidence to Justify Lowering the Floor: A Submission to the BC Employment Standards Review.
Labour, Ontario Federation.
OFL Convention: Toward a Common Front Against Austerity.
Luke, Helesia, Graeme Moore.
Who's Looking Out for our Kids?: Deregulating Child Labour Law in British Columbia.
MacPhail, Fiona.
Temporary Work and Neoliberal Government Policy: Evidence from British Columbia, Canada.
McBride, S.
Not Working: State, Unemployment, and Neo-Conservatism in Canada.
Ontario, Government.
Ontario's Planned Changes to Employment Standards Law.
Panitch, L., D. Swartz.
From Consent to Coercion: The Assault on Trade Union Freedoms.
Paton, Nic.
Budget Cuts Spark Fears Over Reduction in Safety Inspections.
Peck, J.
Work-Place: The Social Regulation of Labor Markets.
Peck, J.
Workfare States.
Pollert, Anna, Paul Smith.
The Limits of Individual Employment Rights: The Reality of Neoliberalism.
Rourke, Dara O.
Outsourcing Regulation: Analyzing Nongovernmental Systems of Labor Standards and Monitoring.
Thomas, M.P.
Regulating Flexibility: The Political Economy of Employment Standards.

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