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Arrigo, Gianni, Giuseppe Casale, Mario Fasani.
A Guide to Selected Labour Inspection Systems (with Special Reference to OSH.
Association, Chinese Progressive.
Check, Please!: Health and Working Conditions in San Francisco Chinatown Restaurants.
Dorrain, Jillian, Kevin Purse.
Deterrence and Enforcement of Occupational Health and Safety Law.
Estrada, Armando X., Tahira M. Probst.
Accident Under-Reporting among Employees: Testing the Moderating Influence of Psychological Safety Climate and Supervisor Enforcement of Safety Practices.
Gray, Garry.
The Responsibilization Strategy of Health and Safety: Neo-Liberalism and the Reconfiguration of Individual Responsibility for Risk.
Gray, Garry C., Nick Turner.
Socially Constructing Safety.
Handelman, Elise, Cynthia Lewis, Mary E. Miller.
Protecting Young Workers: Coordinated Strategies Help to Raise Safety Awareness.
Haviland, Amelia.
What Kinds of Injuries do OSHA Inspections Prevent?
Hopkins, Andrew.
What are we to make of Safe Behaviour Programs?
James, Phil, David Walters.
What Motivates Employers to Establish Preventive Management Arrangements within Supply Chains?
Johnstone, Richard, Michael Quinlan.
The OHS Regulatory Challenges Posed by Agency Workers: Evidence from Australia.
Lobel, Orly.
Interlocking Regulatory and Industrial Relations: The Governance of Workplace Safety.
Luke, Helesia.
What's Happening to our Children? A Look at Child Work-Related Injury Claims in BC Over the Past 10 Years.
Lyons, Michael.
Worker Participation in Occupational Health and Safety as Employee Voice: Rhetoric Or Reality?
Macdonald, David.
Success is no Accident: Declining Workplace Safety among Federal Jurisdiction Employers.
Paton, Nic.
Budget Cuts Spark Fears Over Reduction in Safety Inspections.
Rees, Joseph.
Self Regulation: An Effective Alternative to Direct Regulation by OSHA.
Sargeant, M., E. Tucker.
Layers of Vulnerability in Occupational Health and Safety for Migrant Workers: Case Studies from Canada and the UK.
Smith, Peggie R.
The Pitfalls of Home: Protecting the Health and Safety of Paid Domestic Workers.
Tombs, Steve.
Transcending the Deregulation Debate? Regulation, Risk, and the Enforcement of Health and Safety Law in the UK.

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