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Showing results from 1 to 20


Fine, Janice, Jennifer Gordon.
Unpacking the Logics of Labour Standards Enforcement: An Alternative Approach.
Frank, Nancy.
Policing Corporate Crime: A Typology of Enforcement Styles.
Gellatly, Mary, Mark P. Thomas, Leah F. Vosko.
New Approaches to Enforcement and Compliance with Labour Regulatory Standards: The Case of Ontario.
Goodwin, Miles.
Enforceable Undertakings: A New Mechanism for Minimum Labour Standards' Enforcement.
Gunningham, N.
Enforcement and Compliance Strategies.
Gunningham, N.
Compliance, Deterrence and Beyond.
Hampton, Philip.
Reducing Administrative Burdens: Effective Inspection and Enforcement.
Kingdom, United.
Department for Business,Innovation and Skills. National Minimum Wage Compliance Strategy.
Lasowski, Anne-Marie.
Fair Labor Standards Act: Better use of Available Resources and Consistent Reporting could Improve Compliance.
Weil, D.
A Strategic Approach to Labour Inspection.
Weil, David.
Broken Windows, Vulnerable Workers, and the Future of Worker Representation.
Weil, David.
Improving Workplace Conditions through Strategic Enforcement: A Report to the Wage and Hour Division.
Weil, David.
Rethinking Enforcement." The Fissured Workplace.
Weil, David.
Rethinking Responsibility." The Fissured Workplace: Why Work Became so Bad for so Many and what can be done to Improve it.
Weil, D.
Improving Workplace Conditions through Strategic Enforcement: A Report to the Wage and Hour Division.
author unknown
United States Government Accountability Office. Service Contract Act: Wage Determination Process could Benefit from Greater Transparency, and Better use of Violation Data could Improve Enforcement.
author unknown
Labour Inspection.
author unknown
A Tool Kit for Labour Inspectors: A Model Enforcement Policy, a Training and Operations Manual, a Code of Ethical Behaviour.