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Bowles, Paul, Fiona MacPhail.
From Casual Work to Economic Security: The Case of British Columbia.
Burgess, J., I. Campbell.
Casual Employment in Australia and Temporary Work in Europe: Developing a Cross-national Comparison.
Fine, Janice.
Worker Centers: Organizing Communities at the Edge of the Dream.
Fuller, S., L.F. Vosko.
Temporary Employment and Social Inequality in Canada: Exploring Intersections of Gender, Race and Immigration Status.
MacPhail, Fiona.
Temporary Work and Neoliberal Government Policy: Evidence from British Columbia, Canada.
MacPhail, Fiona.
Improving the Economic Security of Casual Workers in BC.
O'Donnell, A.
`Non-standard' Workers in Australia: Counts and Controversies.
Thomas, M.P.
Labour Migration and Temporary Work: Canada's Foreign Worker Programs in the `New Economy.'.
Vosko, Leah F.
A New Approach to Regulating Temporary Agency Work in Ontario Or Back to the Future?
Vosko, L.F.
Temporary Work: The Gendered Rise of a Precarious Employment Relationship.
Vosko, Leah F.
Regulating Temporary Employment: Equal Treatment, Qualified.
author unknown
International Labour Office. Guide to Private Employment Agencies: Regulation, Monitoring and Enforcement.