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You searched for: UNEMPLOYMENT in SUBJECT

Total 11 results of reference type: All found


Showing results from 1 to 20


Cheung, Leslie L.
Living on the Edge: Long Employment Gaps for Temporary Migrant Workers Under the Live-in Caregiver Program (LCP.
European Communities, Commission.
Increasing the Employment of Older Workers and Delaying the Exit from the Labour Market.
Fuller, Sylvia, Lindsay Stephens.
Women's Employment in BC: Effects of Government Downsizing and Employment Policy Changes 2001-2004.
Grant, Tavia.
The Young and the Jobless: The Recession's Toll.
Grant, Tavia.
Experience Beats Age for Canada's Employers: Older Workers Willing to Take Pay Cuts to Land Jobs.
Kellner, Ashlea, Paula McDonald, Jennifer Waterhouse.
Sacked! an Investigation of Young Workers' Dismissal.
McBride, S.
Not Working: State, Unemployment, and Neo-Conservatism in Canada.
Metcalf, D.
Why has the British Minimum Wage had Little or No Impact on Employment?
Morissette, Rene.
Permanent Layoff Rates.
Porter, A.
Gendered States: Women, Unemployment Insurance, and the Political Economy of the Welfare State in Canada 1945-1997.
author unknown
The Age of Dualization: The Changing Face of Inequality in Deindustrializing Societies.