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Bobo, Kim.
A New Vision for the Department of Labor." Wage Theft in America: Why Millions of Working Americans are Not Getting Paid and what we can do about it.
Dau-Schmidt, Kenneth G.
Promoting Employee Voice in the American Economy: A Call for Comprehensive Reform.
Education, Committee, Labor.
Is DOL Effectively Enforcing our Wage and Hour Laws?
Lasowski, Anne-Marie.
Fair Labor Standards Act: Better use of Available Resources and Consistent Reporting could Improve Compliance.
Madland, David, Karla Walter.
Enforcing Change: Five Strategies for the Obama Administration to Enforce Workers'.
Riordan, Elizabeth.
Where the Heart is: Amending the Fair Labor Standards Act to Provide Wage and Overtime Pay Protection to Agency-Employed Home Health Aides.
Weil, David.
Crafting A Progressive Workplace Regulatory Policy: Why Enforcement Matters.
Weil, David.
Improving Workplace Conditions through Strategic Enforcement: A Report to the Wage and Hour Division.
Weil, D.
Improving Workplace Conditions through Strategic Enforcement: A Report to the Wage and Hour Division.
Zimmerman, James M.
International Dimension of US Employment Laws: Protection Or Interference?
author unknown
United States Government Accountability Office. Service Contract Act: Wage Determination Process could Benefit from Greater Transparency, and Better use of Violation Data could Improve Enforcement.