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You searched for: CARE CONTEXT in SUBJECT

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Akhtar-Danesh, Noori, Andrea Baumann, Jennifer Blythe, Sharon Davies, Margaret Denton, Camille Kolotylo, Isik U. Zeytinoglu.
Nursing Generations in the Contemporary Workplace.
Andersen, Robert, Ivy Lynn Bourgeault, Kristine A. Hirschkorn.
Canadian Family Physicians and Complementary/Alternative Medicine: The Role of Practice Setting, Medical Training, And Province of Practice.
Armstrong, Hugh, Pat Armstrong.
Wasting Away: The Undermining of Canadian Health Care.
Armstrong, Hugh, Pat Armstrong, Krista Scott-Dixon.
Critical to Care: The Invisible Women in Health Services.
Armstrong, Pat, Madeline Boscoe, Barbara Clow.
A Place to Call Home: Long-Term Care in Canada.
Aronson, Jane, Sheila M. Neysmith.
Obscuring the Costs of Home Care: Restructuring at Work.
Atanackovic, Jelena, Ivy Lynn Bourgeault, Rishma Parpia, Ahmed Rashid.
Relations Between Immigrant Care Workers and Older Persons in Home and Long-Term Care.
Austen, Siobhan, Rachel Ong.
The Employment Transitions of Mid-Life Women: Health and Care Effects.
Baines, Donna.
Staying With People Who Slap us Around: Gender, Juggling Responsibilities and Violence in Paid (and Unpaid) Care Work.
Baines, Donna.
Caring For Nothing: Work Organization and Unwaged Labour in Social Services.
Bakan, Abigail B., Daiva Stasiulis.
Foreign Domestic Worker Policy in Canada and the Social Boundaries of Modern Citizenship.
Baker-Collins, Stephanie, Sheila M. Neysmith, Elaine Porter, Marge Reitsma-Street, Sandra Tam.
Provisioning Responsibilities: How Relationships Shape the Work That Women do.
Balka, Ellen, Eileen Green, Flis Henwood.
Gender, Health and Information Technology in Context.
Benoit, Cecilia, Shari Brotman, Natalie Clark, Renee Cormier, Olena Hankivsky, Colleen Reid, Colleen Varcoe.
Exploring the Promises of Intersectionality For Advancing Women's Health Research.
Benoit, Cecilia, Alena Heitlinger.
Women's Health Care Work in Comparative Perspective: Canada, Sweden and Czechoslovakia/Czech Republic as Case Examples.
Bezanson, Kate.
The Neo-Liberal State and Social Reproduction: Gender and Household Insecurity in the Late 1990s.
Bracke, Piet, Wendy Christiaens, Naomi Wauterickx.
The Pivotal Role of Women in Informal Care.
Folbre, Nancy.
The Invisible Heart: Economics and Family Values.
Folbre, Nancy, Julie A. Nelson.
For Love or Money -- or Both?
Lawson, Victoria.
Geographies of Care and Responsibility.

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