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Ackroyd, Stephen, Sharon Bolton.
It is Not Taylorism: Mechanisms of Work Intensification in the Provision of Gynecological Services in a NHS Hospital.
Adams, Valerie, Julie A. Nelson.
The Economics of Nursing: Articulating Care.
Alameddine, Mohamad, Andrea Baumann, Raisa B. Deber, Audrey Laporte.
A Narrative Review on the Effect of Economic Downturns on the Nursing Labour Market: Implications for Policy and Planning.
Alexander, B., M. J. Findorff, S. G. Gerberich, P. M. McGovern, M. Wall.
Risk Factors For Work Related Violence in a Health Care Organization.
Andersen, Elizabeth A.
Care Aides' Perceptions and Experiences of their Roles and Relationships with Residents in Long-Term Care Settings.
Armstrong, Hugh, Pat Armstrong.
Precarious Employment in the Health-Care Sector.
Armstrong, Hugh, Pat Armstrong.
Women, Privatization and Health Care Reform: The Ontario Case.
Armstrong, Hugh, Pat Armstrong, Krista Scott-Dixon.
Critical to Care: The Invisible Women in Health Services.
Aronson, Jane, Sheila M. Neysmith.
Obscuring the Costs of Home Care: Restructuring at Work.
Auerbach, Lewis, Arthur Donner, Douglas D. Peters, Monica Townson, Armine Yalnizyan.
Funding Hospital Infrastructure: Why P3s Don't Work, And What Will.
Bajkay, Renay, John R. Cutcliffe, Stu Forster, Rudy Small, Rodger Travale.
Nurse Migration in an Increasingly Interconnected World: The Case for Internationalization of Regulation of Nurses and Nursing Regulatory Bodies.
Ball, Rochelle E.
Divergent Development, Racialised Rights: Globalised Labour Markets and the Trade of Nurses - The Case of the Philippines.
Baumann, Andrea, Jennifer Blythe, Linda Boos, Sharon Davies, Margaret Denton, Isik U. Zeytinoglu.
Associations Between Work Intensification, Stress and Job Satisfaction: The Case of Nurses in Ontario.
Beardwood, Barbara, John Eyles, Susan French, Vivienne Walters.
Complaints Against Nurses: A Reflection of 'the New Managerialism' and Consumerism in Health Care?
Beechey, Veronica, Tessa Perkins.
A Matter of Hours: Women, Part-Time Work and the Labour Market.
Benoit, Cecilia, Alena Heitlinger.
Women's Health Care Work in Comparative Perspective: Canada, Sweden and Czechoslovakia/Czech Republic as Case Examples.
Bourgeault, Ivy Lynn, Elena Neiterman.
Conceptualizing Professional Diaspora: International Medical Graduates in Canada.
Brazil, Kevin, Margaret Denton, Janine Maitland, Jenny Ploeg.
Identifying Research Priorities in Long Term Care Homes.
Buckley, Melina.
Symes v. Canada.
Canadian Institute for Health Information.
Canada's Health Care Providers, 2000 to 2009- A Reference Guide.

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