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Adams, Tracey.
Feminization of Professions: The Case of Women in Dentistry.
Adams, Valerie, Julie A. Nelson.
The Economics of Nursing: Articulating Care.
Alamgir, Hasanat, George Astrakianakis, Yuri Cvitkovich, Annalee Yassi, Shicheng Yu.
Needlestick and Other Potential Blood and Body Fluid Exposures Among Health Care Workers in British Columbia, Canada.
Alamgir, Hasanat, Negar Chavoshi, Karen Ngan, Shicheng Yu.
Occupational Injury Among Full-Time, Part-Time and Casual Health Care Workers.
Alamgir, Hasanat, Yuri Cvitkovich, A. Yassi, S. Yu.
Work-Related Injury Among Direct Care Occupations in British Columbia, Canada.
Alamgir, Hasanat, Sharla Drebit, Catherine Fast, Catherine Kidd, Shicheng Yu.
Are Female Healthcare Workers at Higher Risk of Occupational Injury?
Alamgir, Hasanat, S. Drebit, D. Keen, K. Ngan, S. Siow, S. Yu.
Risks and Causes of Musculoskeletal Injuries Among Health Care Workers.
Alamgir, Hasanat, Sharla Drebit, Dave Keen, Salomeh Shajari, Shicheng Yu.
Occupational and Environmental Risk Factors For Falls Among Workers in the Healthcare Sector.
Alamgir, Hasanat, Catherine Fast, Erin Gorman, Catherine Kidd, Olivia Wei Li, Shicheng Yu.
Evaluation of Ceiling Lifts in Health Care Settings Patient Outcome and Perceptions.
Alamgir, Hasanat, Catherine Fast, Erin Gorman, Catherine Kidd, Olivia Wei Li, Shicheng Yu.
Evaluation of Ceiling Lifts: Transfer Time, Patient Comfort and Staff Perceptions.
Alamgir, Hasanat, Catherine Fast, Stephanie Hennessy, Catherine Kidd, Annalee Yassi, Shicheng Yu.
Efficiency of Overhead Ceiling Lifts in Reducing Musculoskeletal Injury Among Carers Working in Long-Term Care Institutions.
Alamgir, Hasanat, T. Gilligan.
Bridging the Knowledge Gap: An Innovative Surveillance System to Monitor the Health of British Columbia's Health Care Workforce.
Alamgir, Hasanat, Tony Gilligan.
Workplace and Workforce Health Information Systems in Healthcare: Acknowledging the Role of University Researchers and Highlighting the Importance of Health and Safety Committee Capacity-Building Response.
Alamgir, Hasanat, Tony Gilligan.
Bridging the Knowledge Gap an Innovative Surveillance System to Monitor the Health of British Columbia's Healthcare Workforce.
Alamgir, Hasanat, Erin Gorman, Shicheng Yu.
When Healthcare Workers Get Sick: Exploring Sickness Absenteeism in British Columbia, Canada.
Alamgir, Hasanat, J. Guzman, K. Ngan, S. Siow, S. Yu.
Compensation Patterns For Healthcare Workers in British Columbia, Canada.
Alamgir, Hasanat, Helena Swinkels, Annalee Yassi, Shicheng Yu.
Occupational Injury Among Cooks and Food Service Workers in the Healthcare Sector.
Alamgir, Hasanat, Shicheng Yu.
Epidemiology of Occupational Injury Among Cleaners in the Healthcare Sector.
Andersen, Elizabeth A.
Care Aides' Perceptions and Experiences of their Roles and Relationships with Residents in Long-Term Care Settings.
Armstrong, Pat.
Planning For Care: Approaches to Health Human Resource Policy and Planning.

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